Stay alert, because we have a transformational and soul-changing luminary that will bring spring to an emotional high point. The full moon of May 2020, which rises on May 7 under the sign of Scorpio, is accompanied by feelings, desires, and enlightening secrets of all kinds but we shouldn’t fear the intensity.
Sometimes an accumulation of culminating emotions leads exactly to the cathartic release ordered by the cosmic doctor, and this will certainly be the case for the signs of the zodiac most affected by the full moon in May.
Also known as the Flower Moon, this luminary takes place in the intense and emotional sign of Scorpio, which shifts our focus to the intimate relationships and truths that lie beneath the surface. The influence of Scorpio gives spiritual energy to this lunation, and this atmosphere is further accentuated by the positive aspect of the Full Moon forming on the dreamy planet Neptune.
This luminary requires all of us to run towards our passions, no matter what obstacles stand in our way. It is also time for us to sum up the past and move away from situations or relationships that no longer serve our best interests and prevent us from growing.
All the signs are deep in this energy during the next luminary, but for some signs, the cosmic changes are even more revolutionary. Here are the signs of the zodiac that the full moon of May 2020 will affect the most:
It is the singular full moon that takes place during the Taurus season, so this is great for you. And because it hits your partnership house, you will feel the emotional surge of your closest personal relationships, which means that this luminary could be a defining moment in love.
You may feel more inclined to give everything to love or free yourself from relationships that no longer work for you. You will see the dynamics of your relationships much more clearly than usual, which will allow you to make decisions about how you would like to move forward.
The full moon highlights a lot of personal baggage from your past and the drama in your personal life and it may not be easy for your heart. As you unravel the mess and get closer to solving some of these problems, it will be helpful to calm down in your little cocoon of comfort.
Spending time out of the spotlight serves your best interest. Everyone needs time out of the public eye to unwind. Increasing your time for quiet relaxation is the perfect antidote to any personal agitation that comes to the surface.
This special light illuminates your sign now, Scorpio, so this is your opportunity to capture the climactic energy of the full moon and start turning your highest goals into reality. Spend a little time reconnecting to your needs and wants in order to manifest your dreams.
It is not selfish to focus on yourself right now. If you’ve thrown ideas or worked on personal projects, now is a good time to start bringing them to light. Work on building your confidence and perfecting your creative vision because if any sign can advantageously use the intense energy of this luminary, it’s you.
This luminary illuminates your career and public recognition house, which will energize all kinds of professional activities and help you to look at your current trajectory in a new way. A work project is now culminating, allowing you to embark on a new journey.
The energy of this luminary brings our emotions to mind, but this wave will also open doors of opportunity for you. Let your heart guide you to the path that is intended for you now. You are reaching crucial moments of action in your career and it is time to take a few steps.
Read Also: How the Full Moon in Scorpio (May 7th) Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign.