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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! August 23, 2019

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Allow your determination to be driven by your wisdom, instinct, and inner knowing. Choose to honor the wisdom within you and instinctively do what is right, always. Continue on your current path safe in the knowledge that all is well and you are doing a fantastic job on all levels.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Aries, the Sun begins today a transit through your sixth solar house and will continue to influence this area of ​​your chart until September 23rd. Work and routines can now be clearly defined, as well as health or fitness goals.

You may want to improve your schedules and habits now, and the New Moon on August 30th will help you move forward with new projects in this direction. Renewed energy and motivation for work and routines will accompany you in the coming weeks. This cycle is not the best for the recognition or success of this world.

However, it is a great way to transit for personal development and lay the foundation for future success. With the clash of the Moon with the Sun, Venus, and Mars today, your mind may be working too fast right now, and you should be careful not to take too much to do. Make your life easier today!

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Excellent ~ Work: Excellent




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Taurus, the Sun begins its monthly visit to your fifth solar house today. This transit awakens your desire to create, stimulates your self-assurance and sense of caring for your life and encourages you to express yourself.

Any latent need to play, to entertain, to have fun, to attract love and to express yourself creatively is a must in the weeks to come. A new moon on the 30th can move these things forward. It’s a great time to recognize and nurture your natural need for entertainment time.

This cycle lasts until September 23 and is complementary to your sign, subtly enhancing your life crucially. Improving relationships with children and romantic partners can be central to your concerns. It’s a good cycle to start a project or follow a new passion.

Today, this new energy can make you feel a little chaotic because you can have a lot of projects, but you have to be patient to solve them. Moving the Moon into your second solar home encourages you to look for predictability and security. With a significant global activity coming out of your creative sector, it makes sense to re-focus for clarity.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Excellent ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Gemini, your area of ​​home and family has been changing lately. And today, the Sun settles there for a month’s stay and, in the coming weeks, you will be more concerned about domestic and personal problems.

Of course, your outside world will need your attention, but your interests seem to make you comfortable and safe. Soothe yourself with the familiar and try to calm down. The needs of the family and the family environment may not necessarily increase, but you consider them more strongly.

It’s a good time to heal, refine and organize your personal life and family relationships. It’s also the time to introspect and get in touch with what’s in your heart. This is certainly not the most adventurous or sociable cycle of the Sun’s journey in your map, but it is vital for the sense of identity, comfort and self-awareness.

Also today, the moon moves in your sign. Although your sudden need to meet your independence may seem to conflict with other goals, you may find yourself very motivated to make changes. Try not to over-manage things at the same time.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Cancer

Cancer, the planets Venus and Mars have recently entered your communications sector, and the Sun joins them today. The Sun will influence this area of ​​your solar chart until September 23rd. It can be a time for reflection, discussion, connection, change and learning.

It can also be a sparse period! It can be difficult to work on a particular project with an exclusive focus. Even then, this cycle is more focused on discovery and diversification than on specialization. There can be a lot of back and forth! New fun interests or exciting news and topics can now be clear on the agenda.

Try to get in touch with others and handle some of the critical details of your life. Although there are many signs that things are accelerating for you, the Moon is heading towards your area of ​​privacy for a few days. It would be wise to provide some time for calm, rest and reflection – it’s a good time for a healthy escape.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Leo, you are changing gears after a strong exposure of planets in your sign. Today, the Sun is entering your second solar house – another sign that life should slow down a bit. You focus on what makes you feel safe and comfortable.

Money and property could become more important in your life in the coming weeks. The same goes for comfort, sensual pleasure and activities that remind you of the simple pleasures of life. Until September 23, you often risk trying to evaluate what you have and think about what you need.

It’s a good time to rationalize your life in a critical way. You are in the mood to put yourself at ease, relax and stay safe. The Moon settles in your eleventh solar house for a few days. This transit encourages diversification, experimentation and consideration of future needs. But for the moment, let your innovative side emerge.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Virgo, today, the Sun begins its annual visit of your sign for a month. This transit begins a new “birthday year” and when your birthday is over, remember that you have more power than usual to make resolutions. It’s time to make changes that really improve your life.

As more attention is paid to you, you naturally want to get in shape. The New Moon in your sign will occur on August 30th and it is quite spectacular this year with such a planetary representation in Virgo.

If you want to change the image you are projecting or your attitude towards new beginnings, this is the perfect time to do it. It’s time to shine! Furthermore, you are able to devote more time to your personal projects.

The lunar event of today can be motivating, but you might also feel a bit agitated at first. Internal conflict over following your own path and doing what is expected of you may well divide you. Even in this case, the motivation to solve problems must necessarily emerge.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Excellent ~ Work: Medium




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Libra, today, the Sun begins its transit of one month by your twelfth solar house and will continue to influence this zone until September 23rd. It’s an annual cycle of rest and reflection to gather your strength for busy times. Some elements of your life can come to a natural conclusion.

It’s time to sort and process your data to prepare for a new solar year starting next month. Moving away from too demanding or competitive situations makes sense. Next month, you will have all eyes on you and life will offer you more opportunities.

Until then, it is better to prepare, think and put things in your past. The Moon is moving into your ninth adventurous solar house. Getting out of the routine may be attractive, but you may feel a bit stuck on how to do it. Try activities that brighten your mind.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Scorpio, the Sun begins today a transit through your eleventh solar house and will continue to influence this area until September 23, 2019. More and more, you are focusing on your needs for friendship, happiness goals, new projects and new dreams.

You can network and socialize more than usual, or participate and contribute more actively to social life. This can be an opportunity to stock up on new ideas and dreams for the future. It is a time for free reflection, sharing, connection, networking and openness to others.

You seem to shine brightly during this cycle when you team up with others or commit to goals you believe in. Today, however, the Moon enters your area of ​​intimacy. This brief transit contrasts with the light, airy and forward-looking change that occurs in your life.

Feeling indecisive, however, can help you better understand your desires, needs, relationships, and plans. You could learn something useful that was previously hidden or private.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Sagittarius, the Sun begins its transit of a month by your tenth solar house. During this cycle, you will bring more power, concentration and energy conscious and directed towards your goals, your career, your social life, your performance or your responsibilities. This is a good time for professional and public efforts, especially after the New Moon on August 30th.

You are in stronger demand and your performances and achievements can be given more attention. You can reach a peak for this year in your career or social life. You are increasingly aware of your impact on the world, and this focus can impact many of your decisions in the coming weeks.

The Moon enters your partnerships sector today, however, and as ambitious as you may be, it’s time to make room for company. You may be looking for a company or advice, even if it does not seem intuitive at first. It is not a question of going back, but of giving due attention to a key relationship.

Creativity: Excellent ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Capricorn, today, the Sun begins its transit through your ninth solar house and will continue to influence it until September 23rd. In the coming months, your more adventurous nature will appear.

Whether you go out more often or develop your mind and your interests, it’s time to clear your mind. You are more inclined to philosophize and share your opinions and ideas with others.

Your aspirations and ideals are stronger driving forces in your life now and in the weeks to come, especially with Mars and Venus also in this part of your solar chart. Energy is likely to be higher and stress levels lower! Today, however, the Moon is heading towards your sixth solar house, focused on the details.

This energy seems to contrast with the influences of your ninth solar house, encouraging you to see the big picture. You may feel restless until you refocus. It may be best to do some organizing or tidying up that helps you clear your mind and your schedule.

Creativity: Excellent ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Aquarius, in the coming weeks, intimate bonds and sharing or financial and emotional support will be more and more important in your life. As the sun moves into your eighth solar house for a month-long visit, life becomes a bit more serious or you look for something more substantial.

Absorbent activities and projects seem more attractive now. Your intimate world becomes more important and you pay particular attention to the less obvious elements of circumstances and people around you. It’s time to connect and explore your deeper needs and desires, and this is an important time for honesty towards yourself.

It can also be an opportunity to solve more delicate problems. If you need regeneration, like losing a bad habit, it’s the right time to do it. The Moon is now entering a sunnier area of ​​your map, and a sudden need for lighter interactions may appear strongly. It may be better to answer this call, even if it seems counterintuitive at first.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Pisces, the Sun enters today in your sector of relations where it will be until September 23rd. This is the time to compete fairly, to be with someone special, to make a commitment, to assume your share of responsibility in a partnership, to compromise and to cooperate.

You are more confident about how you get along with others and how well you find harmony and balance in your personal environment. You better understand what you want and what you are willing to give. It’s a more social time of the year and close friendships and partnerships can be brought to light.

A new beginning in these themes is likely after the New Moon on August 30th. Today, the Moon, however, is heading towards your home and your family and you need peace and calm. Consider that even with a strong call to socialize, it would be wise to take some time for yourself.

Creativity: Good ~ Love: Good ~ Work: Good

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