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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! October 17, 2020

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Step in the direction you desire with confidence and optimism. Do not be afraid to take on new challenges and opportunities as they will prove to be of great benefit to you. Never doubt yourself and your power.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Spiritual Message for AriesAries, it’s a good day to sort your thoughts and observe what is going on around you. The communications that take place now can help you keep pace.

Another person’s point of view, even if it differs significantly from yours, tends to improve your understanding. As the day progresses, we approach a Sun-Saturn square that can remind you of an area in your life that requires patience.

You might not be getting what you want right now, possibly due to your career or other responsibilities and limitations with Saturn at the top of your solar chart. However, delays or slowdowns can help you refocus your attention on your priorities. This will allow you to discover new and improved methods.

Focus on what’s best for you in the long run rather than chasing instant gratification. If the pressures of other people’s expectations are weighing on you, consider being clearer about your need for appreciation. People may forget that you need positive feedback or encouragement sometimes.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Spiritual Message for TaurusTaurus, there is good energy in relationships today, and now you might be able to tackle a past affair. While you might come to a harmonious and pleasant agreement with someone today, the Sun is squaring Saturn, which can make you aware of the reality of a project or situation.

Try to look for ways to get around obstacles rather than dwelling too long on discouragement. This transit can serve as a reminder of rules or practical details that you have overlooked in the past.

You have a greater need to express yourself through work or services these days, but today you might feel overloaded or underestimated for your efforts. Today, it’s best to take things one step at a time and avoid overloading yourself. Timing may be out of place, but it’s only temporary.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Spiritual Message for GeminiGemini, communication can help you focus and ease your mind regarding some of your issues or concerns today, especially related to health and work.

You may develop unique ways of working, managing health and wellness, and managing tasks in the coming weeks, as we move closer today to a Sun-Saturn square.

With Saturn, things can usually be fixed and improved, so it makes sense to focus on problem-solving. There may be daunting reminders or indicators that a project, plan, dream, or idea needs adjustments.

It is important not to rush things. Follow the rules today for the best results, because it is not advisable to skip steps with the energies of Saturn. Fulfilling your heart’s desire may not be easy right now, but you will get there with a little work.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Spiritual Message for CancerCancer, the Moon spends the day in your creative sector, which can be emotionally freeing. Look for ways to relieve stress, and pay close attention to communications that might point you in the right direction towards healing.

As the day progresses, we move towards a Sun-Saturn square which tends to add tension or worry to the energy of the day. While you are often inspired by beliefs, ideas, music, and literature these days, you may feel like someone is putting the brakes on your plans or being overly critical today.

There may be a previously neglected area of ​​your life that now feels like it needs to be revisited. Efforts to improve your life, even in small ways, can have an incredible impact on the future. Simplifying things can ultimately speed things up, even if you feel like you’re retracing your steps just now.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Spiritual Message for LeoLeo, the Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury in your of ​​your home and family sector, and now is a great time to bring back some important memories.

It’s a good day for ideas, especially in your personal life and long term plans to boost your security. There can be pleasant conversations that calm you down and help you refocus. Yet we are heading towards a Sun-Saturn square, reminding you of a constraint or reality and testing the strength of current plans or efforts.

Responsibilities or problems may seem a little more onerous now, but it’s a good idea to view any apparent setbacks as opportunities to make changes before moving forward. Thanks to them, you can discover things that you have overlooked.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Spiritual Message for VirgoVirgo, ideas might be swirling around you today, but you better not feel pressured to make sense of it all because there are still puzzle pieces missing.

As the Sun moves towards Saturn today, you may feel like obstacles or your responsibilities take on more importance. An obstacle related to a romantic relationship, a relationship with a child, or a creative project may arise or seem difficult to overcome.

However, even failure can lead to a positive step towards long-term happiness, as is usually the case with transits involving Saturn. You learn to take care of your “future self” and better understand what you need in the long term. Others may not be very open, warm, or expressive, but this can leave you enough room to discover resources that you might not have thought you had.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Spiritual Message for LibraLibra, the Moon aligns with retrograde Mercury today, which prompts you to think and analyze more than usual. We are heading towards a Sun-Saturn square, which encourages you to check your goals and plans.

This transit consists of facing a limit or a reality check. Since the Sun is currently in your sign, you might have a little trouble satisfying both your need for independence and your desire for security.

You want to pursue your personal goals without feeling like you’re disappointing someone. Someone may be disapproving, or the tasks and responsibilities seem heavier than usual. Be patient and practice self-discipline, seeking long-term satisfaction rather than instant gratification.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Spiritual Message for ScorpioScorpio, you attract knowledgeable people or people who can offer information that helps you today. Be careful not to take too much.

Changes in direction are going to occur in the coming week, it makes sense to clear your mind today. It’s a great day to organize your thoughts, recall memories, and gain insight into past events.

As the day progresses, there may be hesitations or blockages that temporarily slow you down. Although annoying, delays can now be useful in the long run if they help you identify areas that need some readjustment. A Sun-Saturn transit tends to temporarily amplify faults. You can help yourself by doing things at your own pace, following rules, and being patient.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Spiritual Message for SagittariusSagittarius, communications can help you sort things out today, or organizing your thoughts seems especially useful today.

The Moon moves towards your twelfth solar house for a few days, indicating a need to rest and reflect. As the day progresses, we move towards a Sun-Saturn square, and it may be time to be a little more patient and follow some rules.

You can overcome an obstacle, and limits may seem more glaring or difficult than usual. Even if you want to get something done, it may be best to save your energy and resources. You might be dealing with cranky or critical people. It’s best to focus on the long-term benefits and not have too high expectations.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Spiritual Message for CapricornCapricorn, communications can be stimulating and refreshing today. There is a tendency to bring up the past more than usual.

As long as you allow yourself to go with the flow instead of trying to speed things up, you’ll be in a good emotional position. As the day progresses, we move towards a Sun-Saturn square, reminding you to reaffirm your commitment to achieving your goals or to adjust them to better align with your goal.

Now is not a great time to go against the grain, but it is only temporary. You might feel like you’re being tested, and it’s best to aim to do your best and be patient. Focus on long term happiness rather than short term happiness. If you are feeling tired, taking a step back can help.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Spiritual Message for AquariusAquarius, today’s energies are uplifting for social and romantic matters, although as the day progresses there may be blockages. There may be a chance to learn from the mistakes of the past.

Later in the day, interactions can tend to resurface old issues as we move towards a Sun-Saturn square which tends to dampen your excitement. Slowing down can be helpful from time to time, although it’s a little frustrating.

It can help get you back on track. It is important to get back on your feet and focus on solving the problems step by step. You may need to revise your plans or go back to something you said. If you face limits, the best strategy might be to think about what is really best for you in the long term rather than the short term.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Spiritual Message for PiscesPisces, you tend to think a little bit today. The Moon is heading towards your ninth solar house for a few days, which makes it a good time to look for ways to stimulate your mind or satisfy the desire for a little change in routine.

Later today, we’re headed for a Sun-Saturn square, and your social life may not meet your expectations in some way. It can also be a good day to catch your breath and research better strategies to pursue your goals. Maybe now is the time to consider whether a particular goal or effort needs to evolve or go away. If you are not on the right track, now is the time to reorient yourself.

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