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Today’s Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! September 21, 2019

The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!

Don’t give up and don’t look back. The past is dust. I have a major blessing for you. Get ready for your miracle. I am always next to you. Let’s do it.

Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.



Spiritual Message for Aries:

Aries, it is time to reconsider some things. The last Jupiter-Neptune aspect that influences you since January is happening today. The importance of balancing your life by allowing more time for spiritual, imaginative and reflective activities becomes evident.

Otherwise, you risk losing some of your motivation and spark for learning, adventure or extracurricular activities. If you have a problem to solve or if you are dealing with a disruption that weighs on you, keep in mind that overcoming this obstacle can be a real relief.

This theme of your life is coming to an end and it is time to take things in hand. The moon spends the day in your communications sector and you will not want to socialize anymore.




Spiritual Message for Taurus:

Taurus, it is a week to think about what’s really best for you in the long run, although it’s not always clear! A Jupiter-Neptune square that formed in January influences this last time this year, and it can be confusing.

It’s a good idea to monitor excess because a sudden increase in activity can cause you personal stress. It can be a moment to recognize if a goal is unfeasible or if a request is overwhelming. Sometimes focusing too much on a dream prevents you from enjoying what you already have, and this transit is a way to expose these problems.

This week, be sure to hide important practical details and expect to have real opportunities to find more joy in your relationship with a person or project. The Moon is spending another day in your resource sector, encouraging you to stop and relax! It’s a good day to strengthen your patience.




Spiritual Message for Gemini:

Gemini, a Jupiter-Neptune square that has been active since January is now re-forming for the last time this year. There may have been a misunderstanding between you and a partner about your goals or direction.

Or, uncertainties related to the goals of your life plan or a lack of planning or solid structure may have interfered with your relationship. Even if you are not yet sure of your direction, it is best to manage everything you can to keep you from falling behind.

Feeling overwhelmed can be exhausting alone! By focusing on small achievable goals, you may feel that you are managing your life and moving forward.




Spiritual Message for Cancer:

Cancer, today, the aspect Jupiter-Neptune undeniably disorients but it is also the last of a set active since January. As such, you overcome the last hurdle.

This transit focused on the conflicts between your attention at work and your routines and your focus on extracurricular activities. If you have taken too much to do, feel overwhelmed and can not concentrate, now is the time to take action.

It’s time to simplify things or divide your goals into smaller, more achievable missions. Find ways to focus and prioritize so you can take advantage of the opportunities that come your way. This is better than all your hopes in the distant future.




Spiritual Message for Leo:

Leo, this week is important to recognize the need to solve problems so that you can work your way forward with confidence. Gradually, you will find yourself more directed. A square of Jupiter-Neptune is being formed for the last time this year.

With this aspect, ambiguities or uncertainties related to money, support or your intimate life may have interrupted your quest for pleasure, romance or hobbies.

If you have neglected or turned a blind eye to any of these problems, your guilt or feelings of being overwhelmed may have exhausted your energy or led to missed opportunities. Now is the time to adjust your goals or take steps to improve your position.




Spiritual Message for Virgo:

Virgo, Jupiter and Neptune are today their last square, for this year, and this transit has had an influence on your life since January. Although tensions between relationships and family life are possible this week, resolutions may be in sight now.

If you have already done too much, now is the time to move on. It makes sense to continue even if you feel a lack of direction because you feel overwhelmed can exhaust you.

If you avoid responsibilities, you may feel that there is never enough time and energy to meet all of your needs and those of others. Ambiguity about a key relationship can be demotivating, but it’s important to focus on what to do.




Spiritual Message for Libra:

Libra, if you have been in the fog when it comes to work, services or health, now is the time to overcome an obstacle. Even if you’ve been discouraged or have faced problems you’ve avoided, it’s time to take advantage of a redirect.

Asking questions may lead to the necessary adjustments and re-evaluations. Avoid the tendency to “do everything” because it can deprive you of energy. Try to find a balance because bad feelings can lead to waste or procrastination.

As you go along, you are in good shape to learn, share, and connect with others, especially if you now limit the tendency to exaggerate or overdo it. Try to simplify things and find a semblance of order in your life.




Spiritual Message for Scorpio:

Scorpio, the transit of Jupiter-Neptune in activity since January is in the center of our concerns this week. This aspect tends to highlight the areas of neglect, waste or overestimation of your life, and now is the time to recover from a problem.

Dealing with a case can be an integral part of your conscience or your self-confidence. If you felt disorganized or out of the box, the energy lost because of it may have been expensive.

However, you will feel stronger when you determine which dreams are right for you, and which ones can make you feel bad or distracted. Any feeling of being overwhelmed should be addressed this week, after which you will have a sharper sense of purpose.




Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:

Sagittarius, the Jupiter-Neptune aspect that has been influencing your life since January is being perfected for the last time this year.

Your desires may seem to conflict with the problems of your home and family, or ambiguities about living conditions or unresolved issues can leave you uncertain at times. It’s time to leave these things behind and this can happen when you solve organizational, personal discipline or motivation problems.

When you find ways to overcome these problems many options and opportunities will be available to you. A battle plan that takes into account your priorities makes sense now. Once past this feeling of being overwhelmed, you will be much more confident.




Spiritual Message for Capricorn:

Capricorn, the last aspect of Jupiter-Neptune in a set of three occurs today. You are about to end a period of questioning that started at the beginning of the year. It is essential to be careful not to turn a blind eye to a technical problem.

Lack of structure and discipline may have prevented you from getting the rest and peace of mind you need. However, it becomes clear that the more organized you feel, the clearer your awareness is. In addition, your confidence increases with respect to connecting with others, acquiring new skills and sharing your ideas.

If a project, a neighbor, a brother or a sister, or a problem of education, you disappoints a little, know that what is depressing you is being resolved. It is also likely to push you further. Ideally, this influence put you in touch with the fantasies and dreams that serve you well and with those that may need to be refined or put aside. Look for a balance between doing and resting.




Spiritual Message for Aquarius:

Aquarius, with a Jupiter-Neptune square that has been influencing you since January, you must watch for excessive activities that interfere with your responsibilities. This transit is now coming to an end.

Even then, you may have to deal with unresolved issues this week related to concerns, guilt, excesses or confusion that have undermined your confidence. Organizing can be essential because it will reduce the stress resulting from avoidance or neglect of the facts, primarily related to money, resources and abilities.

It is always important that you remember to avoid excesses that can negatively impact your pleasure or social life. Do not let insecurities keep you from enjoying your life and relationships.




Spiritual Message for Pisces:

Pisces, with Jupiter in a difficult aspect with Neptune since January, disorganization or personal insecurities may have left you feeling that you are sometimes unable to do things.

Or, it was too easy to get distracted from your goals. Now that this aspect is coming to an end, it may be easier to feel that you are moving on. Feeling without clear direction may have been disorienting, but it may also have led to important discoveries.

The key may be to remember your value and organize yourself or fix a problem to leave behind. Defining your priorities and pushing you to overcome your vulnerabilities can help you.

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