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Your Personal Number for 2021, and How it Affects You

2021 is a number 5 year in numerology. Number 5 represents creativity, adventure, and the search for new ways of doing things. It contains an inspired and innovative vibration that will guide us to find our freedom. A number 5 year is also a year for decision making.

We have reached halfway through the 0-9 numerology cycle, and it is at this point that we can begin to feel a greater sense of clarity and understanding of where we want to go. The number 5 also represents the 5 elements: earth, air, fire, water, and ether. Ether is the element that brings all the other elements together. It represents the subtle energetic essence of all things or the etheric field that surrounds everything and everyone.

In Sanskrit, the ether is Akasha and is related to the Akashic records. Akashic records are considered a journal of every vibration, word, thought, or action that takes place in our Universe. Everything that happens in the ethers, whether subtle or bold, is recorded in “Akashic Records” and creates the fabric of the reality in which we all live.

We are all co-creators, and each of us contributes to this world we live in through our own personal akasha. As a number 5 year, 2021 reminds us of our creative potential. It reminds us that by connecting to our own etheric field and aligning our thoughts, words, and actions, we can tap into our potential to consciously create, not just for ourselves, but for the entire Universe.

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Accessing our own Akashic records can also be something to explore this year, and can remind us of why our soul has come to this body, space, and time. Even though we all experience the vibration of the number 5, we each have our own personal number for 2021 as well. This can be calculated using the formula below:



How to calculate your personal number for 2021?

  1. Add your day of birth, the month of birth, and the number 5 together.
  2. Reduce the numbers by adding them together until you have a single-digit number between 1 and 9.

Example for the birthday of December 29:

12 +29 +5

(month of birth + day of birth + 5)

= 46

Reduce the number to single digits by adding the digits together (you may need to do this multiple times)

4 + 6 = 10

Keep reducing down to a single-digit

1 + 0 = 1

1 is the personal number for 2021




Personal number 1:

2021 is the start of a new chapter for you and is destined to bring a lot of new starts in your life. You’ll have to start over this year in one way or another, whether it’s a new attitude, moving to a new location, expanding your family, or maybe starting a new job or relationship.

It’s a year to bring new inspiration and your spark of independence to everything you do. The canvas is blank and you are free to paint it in any color that suits you! Know that you are a powerful co-creator and that you have the potential to use this fresh new energy to reset and align your life in a new direction.

You may be called upon to take a few confident steps into the process and truly master a new level of innovation. If doors have been closed on you recently, know that this year new windows and doors will be opening. Now is the time to look forward, not back.




Personal number 2:

It’s a year for you to keep building and climbing. The past year may have brought many new starts or changes, and now you are being asked to keep working to nurture and grow whatever you have planted.

As you take care of the garden you have sown so carefully, you may find that 2021 brings mentors, friends, teachers, or even a partner to growing your garden! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You are going to need some support this year to reach your goals and go the extra mile, so stay open because you never know who you are going to meet or what wisdom they can pass on to you.

Learning how to build reliable and strong partnerships will be a theme for you this year as well, so if you’ve been closed off or heavily guarding your heart, you might not find a place for these walls in 2021.




Personal number 3:

It’s a year for you to speak your truth and work on strengthening your voice. You have the wisdom to share; you have a story to tell, and this is the year for you to think about how to bring it to the world. If you’ve ever wanted to write, speak, or share your wisdom in some way, 2021 is likely to present you with opportunities.

Get outside and know that your voice is key. It’s also a good year to start thinking about creating a sense of community for yourself. Even though your social life has changed a lot over the past year, see if you can find new ways to foster a sense of community and connection with those around you.

You may be looking for groups, clubs, online collectives, or even volunteer opportunities that you can be a part of. Being part of a bigger whole can bring you a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment in 2021.

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Personal number 4:

It’s a year for disciplining and organizing. You will do well when you anchor your energy and focus on staying grounded in the current situation. Creating structure and order will be important to you this year as well, so if you haven’t already, consider investing in a diary or keeping a schedule above your desk.

Try to create a routine that inspires you and makes you stick with it quite easily. In addition to creating structure and stability in your daily life, you are also guided to work on your inner feelings of stability and security.

Feeling secure and confident in yourself is like a superpower! And that’s something you’ll have the opportunity to work on this year. If you are feeling too insecure or vulnerable at some point this year, pull yourself back to the present and try to ground your energy.

See if you can create an action plan or maybe put in place orderly steps or thought processes. If you imagine the square, a four-sided shape, it’s strong, practical, balanced, and grounded, that’s what you’re aiming for in 2021!




Personal number 5:

Having a personal number of 5 in a number 5 year indicates harmony and fluidity! This year brings adventure, excitement, and the opportunity to sow some seeds of intention. This is the time to really pursue what you want, just make sure that what you want and what you are pursuing is in harmony with your true self and your higher calling.

If you’re feeling stuck or want to connect more deeply to your goal, 2021 can provide you with inspiration that will help you do just that. You may have to make some big decisions this year, and there is a chance that you will be called upon to get rid of anything that is keeping you from feeling stuck but trust your heart to know the way.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and take a few leaps of faith if they cross your path this year. This is seen as a lucky and prosperous year for you, and a time when you can find a greater sense of personal freedom. Remember, you’re already aligned with this year’s vibe, so trust the process and enjoy the ride!




Personal number 6:

2021 is a year of radical self-acceptance and compensation for any injuries you may have in this area. Along with your journey of self-acceptance, 2021 can also be an opportunity to ease any heartache and release any pent-up emotions that have felt heavy or burdensome to you.

There is this feeling that any heavyweight you are carrying can finally be released and let go. This year it will be important that you pay attention to your overall health and any lingering symptoms your body may be sent to you. Slow down, tune in, and follow through if something is wrong.

You may also need to be careful with your diet or create a new, healthy exercise routine. Also, be careful not to push yourself too hard to please others or to meet unrealistic expectations. Realize that you are perfect and enough as you are.

We all have flaws, we all have traumas, and while it’s great to work with them and deepen their understanding, at some point we also just have to love, recognize and cherish exactly who we are, the wounds and all.

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Personal number 7:

“Everyone you meet is just a mirror” will be your mantra for 2021. More than ever, you will realize that everyone you meet in your life is just a mirror and reflects everything that is going on inside of you. What you see in others exists within you, and in many different ways throughout the year you will discover this truth.

This doesn’t mean that you are responsible for the actions or behaviors of others, but everyone who crosses your path has something to teach you or show you. If someone difficult crosses your path this year, difficult as it may be, see if you can create a space to see that person as a teacher, shining the spotlight on something inside of you that deserves to be addressed.

2021 is also a year of great spiritual development for you, however, it seems that many of your lessons will be learned through exchanges and experiences with others. Partnerships can also be put forward for you in business and in your personal life. You can find yourself on a team with someone who helps you push yourself further in your career or make a deeper commitment to someone you love.



Personal number 8:

2021 offers many opportunities for transformation and awakening. Think of the caterpillar turning into a butterfly because that is the journey you will take when 8 is your personal year number. You may have to let things go, or things around you may collapse in some way, only to be reborn into something bigger and better.

While the transformation can be painful, it brings huge rewards that always seem to be worth the journey. Along with this amazing transformative energy, you are also very lucky when it comes to your finances. It’s a great year for you to think about ways to maximize your wealth and connect with the energy of abundance.

Abundance is all around you now, and if you get smart with your money and learn how to build a healthy relationship with it, you are likely to see huge rewards. This energy of abundance will also help you tap into the power of gratitude. Being grateful for the many blessings in your life will guide you throughout the year.



Personal number 9:

This is a great year of completion for you. You complete a cycle and prepare to step into the new, but before you can begin that new beginning, you must first celebrate your journey and how far you’ve come.

The last 9 years of your life have been difficult, but now things will work out and you will feel stronger as you go through this final chapter. As in many books and movies, the final chapter is also happy where the main character finally gets his rewards and finally gets all the lessons life has given him.

This is your year for a happy ending and for triumphing over all the obstacles that life has bought your way. You reach the top of your mountain and the view is magnificent! Enjoy this year of culmination and completion, you deserve all the rewards you will find this year.

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