Your Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! July 13, 2022
We need to take responsibility, mind our own business, act maturely and take matters into our own hands.
Read the spiritual messages below for your zodiac sign to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Aries (March 21–April 19):
Spiritual Message –
Aries, the Full Moon today can bring a turning point in your career or life, or it can get responsibility. This lunation reminds you of your external obligations after paying great attention to your personal life. You might find that you are suddenly in the spotlight or in a position to manage or lead.
Instead, you might come to a meaningful realisation of your job, your true calling, your business, your career, your reputation, or your true feelings about the direction of your life. This lunation can pit your personal needs against your public/professional responsibilities, exposing imbalances.
You will feel lacking if you have ignored or dismissed your ambitions. There may be a surge of emotional energy that you can tap into and use to achieve something important to you.
Taurus (April 20–May 20):
Spiritual Message –
Taurus, today’s Full Moon encourages you to pay attention to your need for more stimulation and connection with the outside world. You may experience a sudden desire to deviate from your usual routine or to do/learn something refreshing and meaningful that gives you confidence in life.
With some recent attention to your daily or mundane affairs, you now feel an overwhelming desire to think and live bigger!
A project or study may reach a turning point, and you are ready to take the next step. It becomes apparent to you that you need to find time to fit extracurricular activities into your day. Although the changes do not happen immediately, you are in an excellent time to move forward.
You, or your ideas, maybe in high demand. With this Full Moon, information could appear that shifts your perspective and focus, lifting your concerns beyond the routine. Also, today you are more fluid than usual when expressing your ideas. This is a good time to broach a subject that requires an open mind. It’s time for a brilliant idea or an intellectual victory.
Gemini (May 21–June 21):
Spiritual Message –
Gemini, today’s Full Moon elicits solid feelings and could lead to a revelation or realisation about the need for emotional, moral or financial support. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner’s income or other resources come to light.
Now is the time to force yourself to see what you have ignored or neglected. A new insight into a relationship, emotional or financial problem can arrive, leading to a turning point or a new direction.
If you’ve been ignoring or suppressing your feelings, they can come powerfully now. The solution is to seek compromise, which can lead to new understanding in a relationship. Today brings ease and fluidity to communications.
Cancer (June 22–July 22):
Spiritual Message –
Cancer, today’s Full Moon occurs in the opposite sign to yours, reminding you of your relationship needs. It heightens your emotions, especially about your relationships, and you may discover your true feelings on an issue, or something about you may be revealed.
Pay close attention to what others tell with this Full Moon occurring in your partnership sector. You might recognise that you need someone or receive quality feedback! You can verbalise or acknowledge a situation/feeling, which is an emotional discovery.
A relationship can end, reach a turning point, or reach a new level. Today is a good day to get your message across. You can be particularly witty or insightful,
Leo (July 23–August 22):
Spiritual Message –
Circumstances remind you to look after your overall well-being, dear Leo, and you might be looking for ways to improve your physical and mental health. With today’s Full Moon, you recognise the need to manage your daily affairs better.
You might see a flaw in a plan that puts you on the path to improvement. New development or a red flag could prompt you to move on.
Instead, you might come to a turning point or revelation about your work, health, and desire to be productive and vital. You’ve been searching within a lot lately, and today’s lunation reminds you of your obligations to others (work, services) and yourself (self-care programs). For instance, something may be due, or a job may need special attention.
Even today, your thinking is remarkably creative and inventive. Thoughts about the past or private, complicated matters tend to dominate. You can leverage your experience to advance a project or improve your business. There may be a desire to contact someone or some surprising news.
Virgo (August 23–September 22):
Spiritual Message –
Virgo, with the Full Moon today, romance, children, entertainment and creative projects can be turned around. You can find more meaning in your projects or hobbies or make powerful and meaningful connections. This is a time when your affections and creativity blossom!
There may be tests or ultimatums, but something breaks free, which helps pave the way for improvement.
You may feel a creative rush, intensely romantic or affectionate feelings, and a powerful need to express yourself. You might feel the urge to pull something out of your chest as unacknowledged feelings and needs surface.
Today is also conducive to learning new skills, especially of a technical or scientific nature, and conversations that may lead to something more useful. New ideas and alternative methods can be inspiring too.
Libra (September 23–October 23):
Spiritual Message –
Libra, with today’s Full Moon, you recognise a more vital need for family and the comforts of familiarity and home. You could connect with your need for better time and energy management and a better work-life balance.
Topics you have avoided or overlooked may turn out! This week’s events can demonstrate the need to find a balance between the energy spent at work and the energy devoted to your home world. You have focused on your life’s material and responsible side, and now you are called to deal with the emotional elements.
Time spent with family, at home, or caring for your personal affairs will benefit you. Today is conducive to self-expression and good surprises.
Scorpio (October 24–November 21):
Spiritual Message –
Scorpio, with today’s Full Moon, you can be particularly busy and enjoy good news or contact with a special friend.
This lunation can spark discoveries about ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and family, motivating you to make changes and improvements.
New awareness will enable you to face whatever appears head-on. You may feel a strong desire to be understood!
Unresolved emotional issues and unacknowledged feelings emerge, and you may crave to be understood, to have your say, and to express your ideas or point of view. Conversations today can inspire and grow you.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21):
Spiritual Message –
Sagittarius, with today’s Full Moon, matters of money, talents and values are highlighted. Feelings, achievements or revelations inspire you to master your finances or show your abilities in the best possible way. If you have been holding back emotions, they can erupt now.
You may have a revelation about your needs and desires, which helps clarify certain decisions or a path to follow. Whether you’ve ignored your need for pampering or overdoing it lately, it’s time to balance the scales.
There may be a rush for resources, records and information, money coming in, or a conflict over money or power dynamics coming to a head. The solution to conflicts emerging on a full moon is to find a compromise or balance the scales. An imbalance may be evident now, and it’s time to take action to address it.
Also, with a Mercury-Uranus transit today, your mind deserves a break from routine. You can enjoy strong intuition with work methods or health matters. A surprise connection or friendship can occur, especially in daily work or pursuing health goals.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19):
Spiritual Message –
Capricorn, the trick to following your heart is first to know your heart, and today’s Full Moon helps you make that connection. There may be a big reveal, or you connect with your true feelings on an issue.
There can be a significant personal shift when you recognise feelings you may have buried due to the hustle and bustle of distraction. This lunation in your sign puts you in the spotlight. It brings personal and relationship issues to light, and some confrontation could be what pushes these things into your awareness.
You are challenged to find a balance between independence and accommodation. If you have ignored or buried your emotions, you may not be able to do this anymore. This is a time to come out into the open, but it’s best to exercise some self-control because emotions are running high now.
Your ideas tend to cause a particular positive stir, or others ask for your opinion more. Plans seem to change at the very last minute, allowing for more spontaneous, accessible and inspiring experiences. Interesting conversations can figure prominently.
Aquarius (January 20–February 18):
Spiritual Message –
Aquarius, today’s Full Moon can serve as a wake-up call if you’ve neglected self-care. It’s time to pay more attention to your mental and emotional health; if you’re not feeling up to it, you may be overworked and need to slow down. You may also need to end an overlooked or unresolved issue in your life.
There may be a sudden discovery of the need for more time alone or rest, healing and regeneration. If you have been working on autopilot mode and disconnected from your intuition, now you need to listen to your instinct.
This Full Moon occurs in your privacy and soul sector, bringing to light previously buried emotions or information. Also, today, problem-solving is your forte. You are more likely to voice your concerns and express your ideas. You are looking for alternatives and want to think more outside the box. Feeling intellectually stimulated is a good boost.
Pisces (February 19–March 20):
Spiritual Message –
Pisces, today’s Full Moon can open your heart to the need for a true friendship or a particular project. Unacknowledged feelings are emerging now, and these emotions can be about a relationship or serve to rekindle an interest in a project you haven’t fully pursued yet.
The Full Moon reminds you of your need for friends, associates, community support, or like-minded people.
Tensions in your social or love life can come to a head. There can be an emotional outburst if you’ve been holding something back because you feel you can’t contain it anymore.
This lunation could stimulate activity in your social life, or your happiness goals are intensely focused. Discovering a new dream or a new plan is not out of place. This day also contains good energy for expressing your ideas and sharing stories.
Read all of your Spiritual Messages here.
Keep up to date with each phase of the lunar cycle here.
Thank you Lord Amen