Your Spiritual Message for Your Zodiac Sign! Monday August 22, 2022
Inner peace and harmony only come when you are true to your soul’s nature. Choose the path that is right for you. Be courageous, adventurous, bold, and shine your light.
Read the spiritual messages below for your zodiac sign to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Aries (March 21–April 19):
Spiritual Message –
Aries, Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde cycle today. Even with some worries about finances or material things, you are eventually moving towards a whole new way of life.
As you rewrite what you value most, the respect you attract into your life evolves. You discover more developed natural talents, learn to accept and develop them, and let go of old addictions.
The coming months will help you work on inner attitudes that need to change so that you can move forward with more confidence. It’s also a time to think up inventive ways to make money or review and refine ongoing projects. Today, too, you are in good shape to forgive and heal.
People are especially drawn to you, and it’s a good day for relationships, matters of the heart, creative projects, and romance. Focus on releasing pressure, repairing relationships, and opening up romantic feelings. People are more open or arouse new emotions in you.
Taurus (April 20–May 20):
Spiritual Message –
Taurus, Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde cycle today. As Uranus has been direct and in your sign for the past few months, the confidence in your pursuit of new experiences and the expression of your independence has been evident.
With Uranus now retrograde through January, there’s more going on inside of you than on the surface. Use this time to better get in touch with what motivates you, especially if you’re feeling restless or nervous. Examine what fears or attitudes have limited your independence and ambition. Plans can be put on hold or slowed down, either because of circumstances or because you’re not as quick to make changes or take personal risks.
\This day is excellent for improving your relationships. With Venus in your protective solar fourth house these days, you place a high value on familiar situations, people, and feelings, especially in love. Venus harmonises with Chiron today, and you’re in a good position to approach loved ones and family life in new, creative, and growth-oriented ways instead of repeating old patterns. If you need to improve a relationship or better understand a past problem, now is a particularly good time to do so.
Gemini (May 21–June 21):
Spiritual Message –
Gemini, Uranus, which currently transits through your privacy sector, turns retrograde today. This transit of Uranus is a long-term transit that helps you release elements in your life that have held back growth.
The more you release the weight of secrets and inauthentic behaviours, the freer you are to be yourself. Until January, when Uranus is retrograde, you tend to better understand recent events and changes and manage your feelings to leave things behind.
Today’s Venus-Chiron transit encourages talking about something close to your heart. This is also a good time to present your case or ideas and build trust. If there have been relationship difficulties, you might feel a nice boost of optimism and energy to fix them.
With Venus currently transiting your zone of communication, you feel more positive in relationships when there is good verbal rapport. Today brings strong energy to open conversations and feel the support of the people in your life. There can be a real sense of emotional wholeness through your conversations and connections.
Cancer (June 22–July 22):
Spiritual Message –
Cancer, Uranus turns retrograde today, and for the next five months things tend to calm down on the social front. It’s a valuable time to process recent changes and events with friends, and it benefits you immensely, helping to prevent impulsive and regrettable decisions.
If you act from your heart rather than just reacting to others and circumstances, you will be doing yourself a favour during this retrograde phase.
Today’s Venus-Chiron transit brings flowing, supportive, and accepting energy that’s fabulous for your relationships, but also powerful for business savvy and pragmatism. You have an exceptional instinct for what is truly valuable to you.
It’s also the perfect time to let go of some inhibitions, especially to express your affection. Combining your talents, abilities, and resources with someone can be successful.
Leo (July 23–August 22):
Spiritual Message –
Leo Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde cycle today, dear Leo, inspiring you to examine needs related to your long-term goals, career, or reputation. You have reshaped your reputation and carved out a unique identity for yourself, mainly through your status or profession.
Now is the time to analyse, plan and reassess. Also today, you may be looking for richer and warmer relationships. Venus is in your sign these days, boosting your popularity and friendliness. Today, Venus harmonises with Chiron, further enhancing these things.
People are more drawn to you for your wisdom and guidance or support, and they see your opinions and perspective as helpful and remarkable. You can feel an opening in your heart; if you haven’t felt secure in a relationship, it may dissipate today. You are braver with your feelings and emotionally more sure of yourself.
Virgo (August 23–September 22):
Spiritual Message –
Virgo, Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde cycle today. Uranus encouraged an upgrade in ninth house matters, such as belief systems, education, publishing, and communications. However, if you have made changes too quickly, this retrograde phase will help you restore balance. This is a time to process recent changes, beliefs and experiences.
The energies of today help you nurture relationships with a spirit of openness and acceptance. A Venus-Chiron transit could be a great opportunity to revitalise a relationship or reconnect with your inner world. Through conversation or observation, you can better understand a private matter, your deepest feelings about a problem or a relationship.
You can be more open to sharing something personal, and it can be a nice and helpful release. The focus is on unblocking or starting a healing process today. The Moon’s move into your privacy sector further reinforces an inward focus and the benefits of introspection.
Libra (September 23–October 23):
Spiritual Message –
Libra, today Uranus goes retrograde for five months. In the coming months, try to examine how you depend on others and devise strategies to change addictions in ways that benefit you and the people you love.
If financial or support matters have been pending, disorganised or unreliable, now is your chance to find out why. Today’s Venus-Chiron aspect opens doors for you. There can be beautiful relationships established or special pleasure gained from friends and plans for the future.
You prefer to see others for their good traits, but you don’t idealise them too much. This balance is perfect for learning more about yourself, your needs, and the important people in your life.
Scorpio (October 24–November 21):
Spiritual Message –
Scorpio, today’s retrograde shift in Uranus indicates a shift in perception, especially in a relationship. Uranus currently transits your partnership sector, and this annual five-month retrograde cycle invites you to do some meaningful introspection and examination of your relationship needs.
Even if the issues of unreliability are temporarily not as big, exploring your inner needs for change can be very beneficial for you. You may even need a relationship overhaul in order to feel more in control when Uranus turns direct again in January.
Today, with Venus and Chiron harmonising, your charisma is good and matters of the heart are strong. Love, relationships and business can develop well. With openness and humility, you can learn a lot today.
Business savvy and pragmatism improve with a healthy dose of intuition and confidence, and you may feel more valued by others, especially those you work with or in positions of authority. If you feel the need to improve or restore trust and warmth in a relationship, this can be a good time for that.
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21):
Spiritual Message –
Sagittarius Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde cycle today, dear Sagittarius, helping you slow down and review or even reconsider recent changes in your daily routines, work, and health.
These areas of your life may have had their ups and downs, and looking within for answers makes sense during this phase that will last until January. You seek more truth in your work or the services you provide.
Today’s energies encourage the fluidity of feelings and an honest, straightforward, and magical approach to love and creativity. If you need advice or just want a different perspective, now is a great time to reach out.
Capricorn (December 22–January 19):
Spiritual Message –
Capricorn, Uranus begins its five-month retrograde phase today. Uranus has encouraged you to express yourself more authentically and creatively during its long-term transit through your joy sector. In the months ahead, you are more likely to slow down with these changes.
Life is less about reacting spontaneously and more about considering what changes are best for you in the long run. Creative projects, and perhaps even relationships, can benefit from review and adjustments.
Today you are in a great position to relax and ease your emotions. You better understand your emotional attachments and inner passions. Be willing and open to addressing issues today. It can also be a good time to solve financial problems,
Aquarius (January 20–February 18):
Spiritual Message –
Aquarius, your planetary ruler, Uranus, begins its annual five-month retrograde cycle today. During its long-term transit through your solar fourth house, there have been some loose ends related to your home or personal life. With Uranus now retrograde until January, you could catch your breath and consider what you need and want on these fronts.
Your attitude towards security, dependency, attachment to the past, and family or domestic life will continue to evolve over the next few weeks. In the coming months, you might aim to recognse and modify your responses to the world so that changes are less random. With a slower pace, you have a better chance of understanding what’s going on around you. Today, an ideal aspect for getting along with others occurs, and connections and attachments tend to take over.
Your charisma is high, and relationships improve with an open mind and a willingness to be vulnerable. Transits encourage acceptance, understanding, compassion and respect. Conversations are more open, words heal, and you focus on improvement and growth.
Pisces (February 19–March 20):
Spiritual Message –
Pisces, Uranus goes retrograde today, and this annual five-month cycle is happening in your communications sector right now. Uranus can bring some pent-up feelings to the surface, yet you may not feel like you can express them smoothly or fully.
In the months ahead, however, you will find different, and perhaps more satisfying, channels for representing and expressing yourself. You might re-examine some of your projects or interests, which have recently been somewhat sporadic or sudden.
Also today you are in a better position to see what is truly valuable to you. Business intuition increases and you may very well find a good deal or come up with a great idea.
Read all of your Spiritual Messages here.
Keep up to date with each phase of the lunar cycle here.
Beautiful thank you