On July 31 or August 1, depending on the time zone in which we live, we will have a black super moon in the sign of Leo. This rare event occurs approximately every 29 months when we have two new moons in a calendar month. Consider this as an opportunity to confront you with revealing information.
The signs of the zodiac that this new moon will affect the most could actually be lucky because even if they will feel a lot of emotions, they will progress.
In the new lunar phase, the Moon becomes invisible and the other stars and planets in the sky appear brighter. The same phenomenon occurs on the emotional level. For some signs of the zodiac, when the moon is invisible, there will be various other factors that are imperceptible in normal times.
Whatever problems or feelings have been carefully hidden in your subconscious, they will be quickly integrated into the light and the undeniable consciousness on this new moon. Learn more about the Super New Moon in Leo here: Super Black Moon in Leo on July 31st: Powerful Energies Coming Your Way.
Some signs, in particular, will experience this emotional confrontation. Discover the 6 zodiac signs that the new moon of August 1st will affect the most:
6 Zodiac Signs that the Super Black New Moon in Leo will Affect the Most
This new moon will affect you deeply in the name of love. Your heart will be kindled by the new moon as it will be the only pure opening to a new love or deeper love in 2019.
So try to distinguish yourself if you are single, or try something new if you are in a relationship. And if you are an artist, be sure to stay close to your canvas, as you may be particularly inspired during this time.
All the creative energy accumulated this summer could be about to burst into the world. It’s time to share your ideas and develop new skills.
Re-establishing links with siblings or close friends could also be very rewarding for you. It will also help you to nurture your creativity.
This could be the most important new moon this year for you. But no need to put pressure on you. Make sure you take big steps in the 10 days following this new moon to create the life you dream of.
It’s the universe that opens your doors, which means you’re more likely to achieve your desires and goals during this time.
Your schedule may be about to become exciting. You seduce the crowd like nobody, so fill your schedule with as many events as possible.
If you use the power of this new moon, you will fill your year with close friendships and unique adventures, and your social interactions could be particularly fruitful.
Scorpio, update your resume because you may have opportunities in your professional life after this new moon. Be sure to keep your wallet up-to-date, as during this time you might meet someone who could open a door. Prepare for this eventuality.
It is possible to have improved partnerships when the cosmos opens a door that has not been opened for a long time. So, whether in the business world or in love, be sure to devote a little more energy to your relationships.
If your zodiac sign was not listed above you can read about how this Black Super Moon will affect you here: How the Super Black Moon in Leo will Affect Your Zodiac Sign.