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How to Use the Law of Attraction, According to Your Zodiac Sign

The law of attraction can be used in any area of ​​our life, from situations, vibrations, and feelings to strong emotions and other problems that directly affect us, but it does not always have the same impact on us since everyone is unique and sees things his way.

This is where your zodiac sign comes to play. Since our personality is impacted by our zodiac sign, the things that we want and should attract also differ from sign to sign. Read on to discover how and what should you use the Law of Attraction for, based on your zodiac sign.


Aries (March 21 – April 19):

For Aries, the ideal would be to attract peace, calm and tranquility, something that the natives of this sign do not have much.

Thoughts such as “I am a being of pure peace”, “I am as tranquil as the waters of a beautiful fountain” or even “My thoughts revolve around the union of good feelings”, can help in a process towards passivity.

Avoiding thoughts that bring anger and anxiety is essential.




Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

For those born under the sign of Taurus, to vibrate in the universe, detachment is the best way. These people are proud, stubborn and vain in a negative way, and are extremely jealous.

Thoughts such as “Let go to be free”, “The change of mind and attitude is always good” and “My body is part of my mind” helps to focus on things as they are and not to create expectations in things without foundation.

Avoiding thoughts of possession and exaggerated vanity, especially expensive clothes, and accessories, can be very good.




Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

For Gemini, attracting harmony is more than accurate. The people of the sign are very intelligent, and thanks to this, they have the gift of doing a little bit of everything.

And it is in this part that things start to go differently than one would like because they try to do everything at once, but end up not being able to do it; becoming more and more anxious and nervous about the situation that has arisen.

Thoughts such as “Everything has its time”, “I don’t need to do everything now” and “Things will work” will help to balance the mind and balance the body. Avoiding thoughts of incapacity is the key.




Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

For Cancer, the law of attraction must be focused on the present and self-love, because those born under the sign of cancer are very attached to people and to the past, often forgetting themselves, taking care of someone and even to stop living the moment because they are fossilized about the past.

Thoughts like “I love myself more than anything else”, “People live well and take care of themselves” and “I can enjoy every moment as if it were one” is a good request.

Avoiding nostalgic and conformist thoughts is always a good thing. Not that remembering things from the past is not something good, but don’t exaggerate.




Leo (July 23 – August 22):

Vibration, detachment, and freedom are fundamental for Leo. Leos seem to be cold people because they are very vain, but it’s not true.

They take care of others, even if not so explicitly. And because of this love of neighbor and the desire to protect them, he often ends up making them extreme rulers, hating even being annoyed.

Thoughts like “Everyone is the way they are”, “I can live as an equal” and “Not everything has to be as I want” can be very relaxing. Avoiding thoughts of isolation, like thinking you can do everything yourself, is very important.




Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

For Virgos, relaxation is something invigorating.

People born under this sign are very perfectionist and critical, both with themselves and with other people, and for this, they end up being catapulted into an imaginary world of paranoia and personal importance.

Thoughts, such as “Nobody is perfect, everyone has time to evolve”, “Not everything is the same” and “Things must change, and this is good” are welcoming. Avoiding thoughts of negative conspiracies and that everything must be perfect is always positive.




Libra (September 23 – October 22):

For Libra, the law of attraction must revolve around choices.

People born under this sign have the habit of wanting everything in harmony, avoiding certain situations to avoid quarrels and inconveniences, and even to choose something, only to repent.

Thoughts like “Life is full of choices, if I make a mistake today I’ll try again tomorrow”, “I don’t have to please everyone” and “I just have to please myself” is reassuring.

Avoid doubtful thoughts, always opting for one thing or another, remember that everything has consequences, and if you don’t reach a goal today, there’s always a new day.




Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

For Scorpio, self-control is more than necessary. They are very intense like Aries, but with the difference of resentment.

Aries gets angry easily, but soon everything goes by but not for Scorpios, they hold a grudge for years, even forever, often becoming vengeful.

Thoughts, such as “I am also loved, I am capable of this”, “I forgive with such ease that I can barely understand” and “I am confident in myself, I know I can” are liberators. Avoid vindictive and destructive thoughts, remember that everyone is missing something.




Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

For Sagittarius, the law of attraction must be based on reasoning.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are excited by nature, creating expectations in people and things that may not be what they really wanted, forgetting to compare what can happen, because nothing is totally good or bad, always having both consequences.

Thoughts like “Calm surrounds me”, “I have all the time for what I want, I don’t have to do everything now” and “Not everything is fun, there are serious things”, they are rewarding.

Avoid thoughts of devotion to something, always knowing that everything must be analyzed.




Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

For Capricorns, vibrating with novelty is of fundamental importance.

Capricorns are very attached to the past, not like those of Cancer, but in the tradition they tend to drive things as they always have been, planning goals for the future and forgetting the past, never trying to innovate anything, just wanting to do that which has already been done.

Thoughts such as “Innovating is good”, “Things must change, why everything changes” and “We must evolve with the world” can bring great riches. Avoid critical thoughts with new things and always try to overcome yourself.




Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

For Aquarius, focusing on small groups and in their privacy is ideal.

The people of this sign are very creative, being able to adapt to various types of groups, but with this they end up turning away true friends and those who really take care of them, because there is always someone who needs help they are busy with many people, and consequently cannot devote themselves to those who deserve.

Thoughts like “Better quality than quantity”, “I can dedicate myself 100% to someone” and “I don’t need to like it all to make it part of my life” are infallible for a better life. Avoid thoughts of excessive community, remember that everyone has a life of their own.




Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

For Pisces, the law of attraction fits perfectly in the act of vibrating self-love.

They are very affectionate, so they end up loving others too much, forgetting about themselves, and when that love is not returned, they end up becoming dramatic, sentimental and melancholic.

Thoughts like “There is nothing better than loving me first” and “Who does not make me smile, does not deserve to see me suffer” are liberating. Avoid melancholic thoughts. Also, don’t get carried away by addiction.




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