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A Healthy Twin Flame Relationship Requires These 4 Elements

Twin flames have an instantaneous, instinctive, and undeniably intense bond. As soon as they meet, they feel an overwhelming and familiar feeling of “home”, as if they knew each other before. They both intuitively know that they were brought together for an important reason and that they have an important role to play in the life of the other.

However, generally, they are both puzzled about how the energy connection is so powerful, magnetic, and strong so quickly, especially during the early stages of the connection when there is often a push and pull dynamic which causes drama, chaos, and confusion.

Potentially, relationships with twin flames could be the most loving and transformative experiences, but, unfortunately, often at the start, they are filled with turbulence, trauma, and pain.

In the initial stages, twin flames are known to tirelessly test and challenge each other in a selfish power struggle to achieve and maintain control and balance in their lives. However, part of the gathering is an opportunity to break the ego and the desire for control.

Although twin flames have a unique, deep connection, they are often physically separated. The reason is that if their energy is out of balance, they will find it difficult to harmoniously merge their energies.

Unfortunately, until the twin flames find balance in their common energy, it is very unlikely that they will unite and maintain a peaceful and fulfilling relationship.

A twin flame relationship is a superior call, and for it to occur and function healthily, four main elements must be nourished and balanced:



1. Emotional connection:

When the twin flames meet, their heart center opens and they feel compelled to love more deeply and harder than they ever thought possible. The heart is the center of thought, sensation, and knowledge of a human, and generates energy that allows us to communicate by telepathy with those we share a bond of unconditional love.

Research at the Heartmath Institute has revealed that the electrical component of the heart is about 60 times more amplitude than the brain. In addition, the magnetic field of the heart is about 100 times stronger than that of the brain and can be detected several meters away.

Therefore, once in tune with the heart center, it is possible for twin souls to receive comforting and warm assurances telepathically that love and connection are mutual and authentic. This communication generates the faith necessary to be able to submit to the connection and wait patiently for the necessary soul work to be completed so that the energies can mix harmoniously.

Heartmath’s research supports this theory because they have found that a mother’s brainwaves synchronize with her baby’s heartbeat when they are in close contact. A mother can become more sensitive to the subtle information emanating from the electromagnetic vibrations of her child, which scientifically proves that there is an exchange of energy from one human to another.

Twin flames are energetic mirrors and when in contact, they reflect each other’s flaws, faults, and insecurities. While this may sound like a negative aspect of the dynamics, it is extremely positive. To find balance, it is essential to know where the unsolved problems and the unhealed wounds lie.

Twin flames trigger hidden emotions that were not recognized, accepted, or loved in the past. They highlight our dark sides so that the twin flames can find forgiveness and understanding, and learn to love themselves and others without fear, without conditions, and without limits.

When these people meet, it is common for them to instantly fall in deep and unconditional love. Whenever they think or are in contact with, their twin, a euphoric and affectionate feeling arrives in waves to give a taste of the sensations that will be felt permanently when they learn to love and accept themselves entirely.

It is essential that they discover the traits and trends that make them ashamed and that they learn to accept themselves and find ways to avoid reacting negatively when they feel uncomfortable, provoked, or triggered.

The emotional connection of the twin flames requires that each twin opens their hearts with courage and vulnerability while taking the risk of being rejected or injured in the process. If both are able to do so, they will be rewarded with the experience of the highest and purest form of love.




2. Mental connection:

There is a strong mental connection between the twin flames so that when they are in contact, the conversation never ends. They are so intrigued by each other that they seem to be the only two people alive on the planet.

Time and space are disappearing and all that remains is an electrically charged and breathtaking ambiance that can quickly and easily become addictive. The brain is stimulated, alert, and curious, and sees the other person as a magical and mysterious being who makes him pay particular attention to each nuance expressed.

Twin flames generally share similar beliefs, mores, values, interests, and life goals. Although they may appear opposite, they compliment each other and open the consciousness and the perception of the other to reach a balance.

They often have similar hobbies and interests and feel passionate about the same social causes or problems. They may discover that they have certain talents and skills which, when combined, help accomplish the mission they are on Earth to accomplish.

When the twin flames connect, their capabilities are strengthened and improved, giving them the confidence to achieve goals they had only dreamed of before. For the union of the twin flame to be realized, it is important to be mutually mentally stimulating, which results from a real mutual interest and the maintenance of a nourishing and satisfying friendship.

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3. Physical connection:

A Healthy Twin Flame Relationship Requires These 4 Elements (2)When the twin souls meet in person, there is an intense physical and chemical attraction, which releases Kundalini energy, awakening the energy stored at the base of the spine.

The energy flow of the Kundalini accelerates spiritual growth and forces the two partners to a personal and deep journey in the soul where they question various aspects of themselves and their life as a whole. They suddenly start looking at themselves in a new way.

Awareness of their shortcomings and faults is what often keeps twin souls apart as they focus on healing emotional wounds and breaking cycles of dysfunctional behavior. It may take several years before the two twins have completed the soul work they deem necessary for a permanent union to occur.

During the first meeting, there is an inexplicable and powerful physical attraction. The fusion of the two energy fields seems surreal and supernatural because it will be the first time that either twin is in the company of someone with the same unique energy signature.

Both radiate energy on the same frequency, so the energy feels harmonious and there is a deep sense of spiritual unity. A physical connection is not only based on sexual attraction, but it also relates to how the energies feel when the twin souls are in close contact.

However, when there is sexual contact, the two souls communicate with their bodies in a primary instinctive way. Being attracted only to someone’s physical attributes will not meet the physical connection requirements for a double flame union. The other person’s physical presence will feel happy, whether the eyes are open or closed.




4. Spiritual connection:

A double flame connection is a rare and sacred event. Once the twins have met, they are set off on a wild and explosive journey to unlock the secrets of unconditional love.

The dynamics make the two people evolve at a much higher speed than before their meeting. Often the relationship is turbulent with many ups and downs, however, at each stage, there are soul lessons that empower and provide knowledge and wisdom if the twin flames are open to learning.

The twin flames work both separately and together to be the best version of themselves possible and to support the growth of the soul of the other. They tenderly and compassionately heal past emotional wounds without judgment or hierarchy existing in the dynamics.

One of the most defining signs that the twin flames have connected spiritually is the innate ability to feel the emotions, feelings of the other person, and perhaps even to picking up each other’s thought patterns. They effortlessly read each other’s moods, whether in the same room or thousands of miles apart.

Twin flames often go through a period of separation and, while it can be extremely painful and frustrating, it is essential for healing. It is only when they feel a painful emptiness as if it were missing a part of themselves, that they really begin to heal the emotional wounds preventing them from feeling whole.

Separation is an illusion. Everything is connected by energy, and twin souls are connected and share a bond and an unconditional love for each other, whether they are in direct contact or not. Twin flames must first feel complete individuality before they can feel completely together.

They will not find harmony in a relationship of dependence or control. Twin soul relationships teach unconditional love and acceptance and how to embody these things before you can offer them entirely to another. They force their twins to surrender and abandon unrealistic expectations or demands.

Twin souls unite when they have released and crossed emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual obstacles placed on the ego which prevents them from reaching an energy balance that magnetizes their soul so that they vibrate harmoniously on the same frequency.

A twin flame relationship is different from a soul mate or any other type of relationship. It is the only type of relationship that requires the two people to be ready emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually before a consistent alchemical union can be experienced.

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