Retrieving the template of Galactic-Angelic Human DNA for the Source Code of the Original Unit.
This transmission of meditation is to help the process of focusing our divine expansion within and through our Eternal Intelligence of the Mystical Source to help readjust the alignment of the Harmonic Vibration of the Living Light Code in our multidimensional crystalline body DNA layers. The DNA Code that each person has is the program that creates this Field of Planetary Holographic Reality.
As we heal and restore our Galactic DNA coding collectively, then we restore the true Earth Hologram of our divine self-sovereign expression as beings of Source Eternal Consciousness that we are. Reprogramming our brain to the “I Am the Energy Balance” is the process of recording our Galactic-Angelic Human DNA into the Original Cosmic Divine Plan.
We are trying to activate our Galactic DNA code to the highest divine potential. We invoke our beloved Higher Self of the Inner Spirit and the Guardian Councils of the Superior Creative Realms, serving the only true mission in the field of the zero point of divine truth and divine Unity, to join us in the highest capacity for spiritual support. In pure love, we can open all the channels of the Light.
Now we are ready to begin this meditation. Allow the coded expressions to print your DNA. Let the spiritual integrity of the Source Source Code resonate in your heart:
Step 1:
Begin by anchoring and filling your entire body with 12 Platinum white light rays of Subharmonic Balanced sound tones from full Source. Allow this white light of purity to fill your energy field, surround and protect your spiritual core.
Feel the Light circulating through your body and synchronizing with your central heart. Fill every cell and every dimensional layer of your being with this white light as a living Presence of the Absolute Divine.
As you work with this Eternal Light, feel it reconnect the memory of your original Crystal Cosmic Body of Divine Cosmic Planes.
Step 2:
Now imagine a White Lightning energy sphere about 15 centimeters above your head. As you inhale, breathe into the White Ray’s energy sphere.
While exhaling, blow the White Ray energy sphere through the center of your body to create an Energy Pillar that is your original 12-9-6-3 Chakras, transmitters, and receivers.
Once the White Ray’s energy sphere hits approximately 6 inches below your feet, inhale and pull the White Ray’s energy sphere back to the point 6 inches above your head.
Rest to breathe deeply and exhale from your Zero Point/Heart Center.
Step 3:
Now you will put the activation of the intention “I AM” in your brain, a total of 4 times.
- Think mentally “I AM the Energy Balance”.
- When inhaling, think mentally “I AM the Energy Balance”.
- Hold a comfortable breath and think mentally “I AM the Energy Balance.”
- While exhaling, think mentally “I AM the Energy Balance”.
Step 4:
Now imagine yourself as a Star Light in your third eye, aligned in the center of your brain emanating 12 White Light Rays.
Inhale, and as you breathe out, push the 12 Rays of your Eternal Starlight Being into the Earth’s Crystal Core. The Earth’s Crystal Core is the center of our Conscious Intelligence of the Source Star.
Step 5:
Change your focus of attention as if you are now experiencing and seeing through the eyes of your Eternal Being of the Starlight and notice that you are sitting in your personal space Sacred 12 Dimensions Central Shield emanating 12 Rays of White Light.
See the Rays representing 12 timelines and master key code identities as potentials to activate and reconnect the memory of your Crystalline Plasma Body in the incarnation. Now they are sitting inside their inner core of Sun-Star Diamond creation.
This is where the original divine source code for human DNA is found.
Step 6:
Allow yourself a moment to acclimatize to the loving energy of the Source that sustains you inside. Feel the Eternal Love of the Source around and within yourself. Breathe gently and exhale breaths and fill yourself with the Eternal Love of the Source. Allow the Living Light of Eternal Love to transfer to your physical expression.
Either mentally or verbally, repeat the following statement. Now, through unconditional love and forgiveness, in order of priority and as necessary, I release everything within my aura, body, mind and spiritual layers that are not of my sovereign divinity back to the Rainbow Cosmic Heart of the Source, to be returned to balance.
Inhale as if you were breathing deeply the energy of the Source of the Force of Life. Hold your breath comfortably. Exhale strongly, with the intention that all imbalances within you be released in the mind of the Source.
Step 7:
In the next inhalation, inhale all the way up, up to the 12th chakra, 6 inches above your head, and exhale as if you were sitting in the 12th chakra. Take a couple of relaxed breaths.
In the next inhalation, inhale from the Earth’s Crystal Core towards yourself in the 12th chakra.
Hold your breath for a couple of seconds to increase the load.
Exhale the White Ray that bursts in from the 12th Chakra in all directions.
Inhale and with a relaxed breath, move to the ninth chakra, as if you were sitting on the top of the head of your physical body.
Inhale from the Earth’s Crystal Core towards you in the 9th chakra.
Hold your breath for a couple of seconds to increase the load.
When you exhale, exhale the White Ray that explodes from the 9th chakra in all directions.
Step 8:
Inhale and with a relaxed breath exhale, descend to the sixth chakra, or the third eye, aligned in the center of your brain.
Inhale from the Crystal Core of the Earth to yourself in the sixth chakra. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds to increase the load.
Exhale the White Ray that bursts from the 6th chakra in all directions.
Inhale and with a relaxed breath, exhale, descend to the third chakra, above the navel.
Inhale from the Crystal Core of the Earth to yourself in the third chakra. Hold your breath for a couple of seconds to increase the load.
Exhale the White Ray that explodes from the 3rd chakra in all directions.
Step 9:
Mental state – I AM my Eternal Expression of the Divine Source Now.
Take 3 more breaths and exhale, from the Crystal Core of the Earth to the 3rd chakra, exhaling from the 3rd chakra and into your physical body, to fill your body with more of the loving energy of the Source.
Relax now and breathe easy as you feel that the loving energy of the Source permeates all your divine expression. If you realize any emotional imbalance, just be aware, they are in the process of freeing you. Send them mentally on your way with loving thoughts.
When you’re ready, open your eyes and look around, allowing your energy to balance. Now the experience is completed within the 12 Rays of White Light knowing that they are completely protected and completely connected in the Eternal Divine Source. And so it is.
I seal and end this session in the Eternal Light of the Pure Source of Divine Totality and Union, Divine Love and Power, in the Divine Natural Order and Harmony. With deep love and gratitude, thank you.
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