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The 6 Step Guide on How to Completely Remember Your Past Lives

If there is really such a thing as reincarnation, then why don’t we remember our past lives? In fact, when you think about it, we don’t even remember much about this life let alone talking about our past lives. Well, why not?

To begin with, it is possible that our forgetfulness is due to a little cosmic mercy. Our fragile minds could probably not process all the memories simultaneously: the joys, the pains, the humiliations, the triumphs, the confusion, the doubts, the information, the wounds, etc., linked to this life and other lives.

We would become overworked and unbalanced. How can we ever know productivity, happiness, contentment here and now if we are constantly under siege in the past? (Notwithstanding the fact that some people like to torture themselves as well as others by regularly talking about the past. A little self-control, please.)

The memories of this life and our past lives are all locked away for our own protection. We rely on them, most often subconsciously, in order to make correlations and comparisons as we progress in life. And these past lives undoubtedly influence us without us trying to remember them.

Do you have your irrational fear of spiders? An almost instant dislike for a new colleague? A love of everything Native American? Yes, while you are sitting there reading this, you are the sum total of all that you have always been. Great, huh?

If you are interested, you can begin to unravel the mystery of your past lives. We suggest you do it in a measured way, keeping things in perspective and coming back from any stay in the past to fully experience the present. Here are some tips to try:



1. Analyze your belief system:

If you were raised in a belief system where reincarnation was categorically denied, you need to come to terms with that.

Your mind is going to block any attempts at getting to the past because you’ve been programmed to believe that there is no past.




2. Get a past life journal:

Use a notebook to record all the pieces you start to discover about reincarnation and your past lives.

Here is an example: I helped my son with a project on Vesuvius before dinner and the same evening, I saw a documentary made for television on the destruction of Pompeii. What a coincidence … especially in light of the fact that I don’t like volcanoes. I evoked the memory of a mummified corpse of Pompeii in a museum when I was a child. Ugh! If I saw this in my notebook, I would begin to explore my suspicions that I could have been there when Mt. Vesuvius blew up its top.

How are you going to explore it? Research Pompeii. Think about it a little. Watch for other signs. Write questions in your notebook about how this life has influenced you in this life and see what answers start to appear. Ask more questions.




3. Make lists and connect the dots:

Take out your notebook and pen. Start making lists of all the things you love (like) and hate (don’t like): people, places, history, food, memories (for example, I hate being cold ), clothing styles and so on.

Browse the list and see if you can connect dots. You don’t like the architecture of Russia, you hate being cold, you really hate a film you saw on Nicholas II … I think you get it.

Recommended: 12 Ways to Identify a Past Life Friend, Lover, or Enemy.




4. Activate your dream state:

It’s one of the simplest things you can do. Before you fall asleep at night, ask to see a glimpse of your past lives. Keep your laptop handy to write down anything you can see in your dreams.

It may take a few nights to prime the pump, but it will happen if you don’t linger on it every night before sleeping.

This can be a good place to issue a warning: watch out for famous person syndrome. The ego likes to sing when we discover a past life of glory and fortune. Say you wake up in the morning after a dream of Napoleon Bonaparte with a feeling of self-satisfaction.

Imagine yourself, Napoleon! (Like being Napoleon was a great thing.) The truth? A higher presence or your higher self may have used Napoleon, an archetypal image or symbol, to tell you to suppress Napoleonic behavior at work.

Investigating past life is like being on a reconnaissance mission. You enter, gather useful information, then you leave. Whether you are a king or a poor man is not the issue – it all depends on what you have learned from the experience and how it applies to your current life.




5. Watch where you put your attention:

You get pregnant or your spouse gets pregnant and suddenly you see pregnant women everywhere you look. You get a catalog in an upscale store, you never realized they were selling baby clothes. You see a woman in a bakery with a crying baby – what used to bore you is now so cute.

You wonder why there are so many pregnant women and babies. There have always been pregnant women and babies, it turns out that you have your attention on them now that you’re expecting one.

Using this principle, bring the concept of reincarnation to the forefront of your mind. Get books on it, search the internet on Google for the subject, and discuss it with your friends. So look. All kinds of information, ideas and reminders will start to surface. Life responds to whatever you are focusing on. Then you just need to connect the dots.




6. Learn to see clearly:

Several years ago, a group of my friends sat talking like friends do. We broached the subject of Michelangelo. A man in the group started to say how much he hated the Renaissance period. I mean he got really involved. Not being too much of a fan of history, I strayed somewhat in my thoughts but I kept my eyes turned towards him so as not to appear rude. Suddenly, I saw a hat from this period appear on his head. I looked away and looked back. This time, his outfit had completely changed to that of someone at the time. I would bet he lived at that time, and for some reason, he hated it every minute.

Okay, here’s my second warning: you don’t have to do anything in other people’s lives. In the case of my friend from the Renaissance, I was not looking to learn more about his past lives, it turns out that I saw what he was projecting. It happens sometimes. Use discrimination as to whether to talk about what you see.

You will probably have to learn to look and see differently than you usually do. For example, pull out a chair (it takes time) and look in your mirror at your own picture. The oblique look (looking sidelong through a squint) gives the best results, at least for me.

What you see at the start may not be high on the whoopee scale, but it will add to your overall collection of information about your past. This is information that can explain why you are the way you are and help you live a more spiritually productive life this time around.

Yes, the main thing in all of this, as far as I am concerned, is to live consciously, to settle our debts and to grow spiritually here and now. It’s all here and now, my friend, everything here and now.

Recommended: Who Were You in Your Past Life Based on Your Birthday.


Recommended Book for You:

Past Life Regression And Reincarnation

Past Life Regression And ReincarnationEverything You Need to Know About Reincarnations and Past Lives.



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