Today, December 26, a solar eclipse will manifest across the cosmos, taking you on a whole new path. In astrology, a solar eclipse is very similar to a new moon, only its power is greatly amplified. While a new moon may encourage you to try something different or set an intention to guide you forward, a solar eclipse tends to invoke a new beginning.
While the unexpected changes that often follow this astrological phenomenon can be overwhelming or happy, the solar eclipse of December 2019 will be the best for these zodiac signs: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
However, when it comes to an eclipse, it is difficult to define the experience as inherently “good” or “bad”. The reason that eclipses are associated with life-changing events is that they activate the lunar nodes (aka your karmic fate). An eclipse can turn your whole life upside down, and you will eventually get closer to the path you are supposed to take. Everything that happens with an eclipse is supposed to happen, whether it’s terrifying or exciting.
Taking place in Capricorn, this eclipse encourages you to regain control of your life, to have more maturity and to form a practical plan to achieve your goals. Forming a trine with Uranus the revolutionary and the rebel, this solar eclipse encourages great change. As Pluto the transformer and Saturn the karmic form rare conjunction, you could undergo or welcome a major change. If you need to change things to start over, take advantage of this energy to do so.
Taurus: You push your limits and embrace the adventure
It’s time to step back from the monotony of your life and get a good overview of the big picture.
Let this solar eclipse help you expand your mind, seize unexpected opportunities and push you to embark on a road you have never traveled before. It’s time to embrace the spontaneity of life because you only hold back by clinging to your comfort zone.
Open your mind to something new.
Virgo: You tap into your own source of creativity
This solar eclipse will help you understand all the ways you have prevented yourself from feeling joy and finding happiness.
It’s time to have a conversation with your inner child. How did the pressure of adulthood stifle him?
You don’t have to silence this part of yourself to live well. Find a way to bring more creativity into your life. It could mean starting a project or just putting art into your daily life.
Scorpio: Free your mind and tell your truth
This solar eclipse mainly concerns the way you express yourself.
It is time to be honest not only with others but also with yourself. Don’t be afraid to speak up and express your opinions.
This solar eclipse is there to help you open up and recognize how smart you really are. You have the power to learn everything and use your knowledge to create all the success you have been waiting for.
Sagittarius: You will seize a major financial opportunity
Prepare to experience a revelation about your financial situation.
This solar eclipse is there to guide you towards understanding what you need to live a fruitful and stable life.
Whether you’ve spent too much or saved too much, it’s time to find the level of abundance you want. Make a plan to reach concrete financial goals by budgeting or splurging on something you deserve.
Recommended: How the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign.