The Full Moon is an incredibly illuminating and potentially revolutionary experience. After all, this is when the Moon reaches the climax of its journey through the lunar cycle. The Full Moon can be seen as the part of the movie where the truth is finally revealed, the gloves come off, and the will to fight kicks in.
While this moment is exciting, it can also be disorienting and chaotic. The Full Moon can be felt like a slap in the face, forcing you to react. Sometimes its message can be hard to decipher at first, but it always ends up making sense. If you are one of the zodiac signs that will be challenged the most during the Full Moon in April 2021, so much growth awaits on the other side of that experience.
This Full Moon occurs on April 26 at 11:31 pm ET, landing in a secretive-seductive Scorpio. However, with all the added allure of this mysterious zodiac sign, there is a lot of darkness to contend with. You may find yourself facing your own darkness during this Full Moon, which is the first Supermoon of 2021, and it’s also a Pink Moon, but it will show you a shortcut to your own strength.
It is through conflicts that power is created. And there will be a lot of conflict during this Full Moon, but it’s nothing you can’t handle. With the Full Moon squaring off with rigid and inhibiting Saturn, you can feel a bit cornered, especially emotionally.
However, as the Full Moon forms an adrenaline-inducing trine with Mars, you will only be more inspired to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. One thing is for sure: you might not know where your next destination is.
As the Full Moon opposes the unpredictable and rebellious Uranus, you may find yourself angry with your current situation and conjuring up shockwaves of change in the process. Here is what fire signs can expect:
Aries, you set limits that protect your energy. This Full Moon will draw its attention to how the energy of others intertwines with yours. After all, your relationships require some sort of transaction, and you bring your energy to the table and they bring theirs.
However, sometimes the deal is not always fair because you are left with something that was never yours, something difficult and uncomfortable.
Take this time to rethink the attachments and commitments you have made with your loved ones. Maybe it’s time to part with those who have worn you out.
Recommended: How the Super Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26 Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Leo, you are being stripped down in order to feel your emotions. You can feel your heart in a much deeper way during this Full Moon. It shines a light on the more private and personal aspects of your life, such as your home, your family, and your sacred space.
You might be facing difficult changes in the most vulnerable parts of your life. However, all this Full Moon does is highlight what was already there and bring it back to the surface.
If you realize that you don’t always feel safe in your home, it’s time to come up with your own idea for home.
Sagittarius, you learn to let go of the past. This Full Moon can initiate some endings. You’ve been through so much and said goodbye to so many things, but you might not be ready to part ways with the past completely.
This Full Moon may reveal that you have come full circle and are still holding onto baggage that doesn’t have space in your present anymore. To relieve yourself of these burdens, you may need to accept forgiveness.
And forgiveness doesn’t mean giving it a second chance; it means making peace with it so as not to be disturbed by it anymore.
Recommended: Super Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26 – Time to Cleanse and Release