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These 4 Zodiac Signs Think They’re Superior to Others

Bragging is not cute. Do you know how there is always someone in your life who considers himself the greatest authority in the world over everything?

Well, there may be a reason for this pedantic and omniscient behavior, and it may very well be astrological.

While astrology can influence us in many grandiose ways, we can also be cosmically urged to be d*ckeads. We wouldn’t say it is a good excuse, but when you meet this person who really and really believes that he is better than you (and everyone), it may very well be because their date of birth falls below one of these zodiac signs.

Here are the four most pretentious zodiac signs to watch out for:


1. Taurus:

The whole stereotype that those born under this sign being stubborn sounds doubly true when it comes to admitting that they aren’t as smart as they would like you to believe.

In the typical Taurus way, this person will take their vast amount of knowledge (which many of them actually have) and flaunt it around like a flag, assuming you might not know as much as they do.

While intelligence is certainly their calling card, arrogance and casual behavior mark the Taurus individual as an intimidating hell when it comes to claiming the title of “the greatest authority in the world over everything”.



2. Leo:

Now there’s a shock, huh? Not really. This bright egomaniac star of the zodiac means business when they set out to teach you a lesson. Oh how they will love the sound of their own voice; they see themselves as teachers in a large opera of students.

In the minds of Leos, it is certain that you will give up all your previous ideas by relearning your education in their manner, which means that Leos expect you to forget what you know and take hold of what they are “teaching” you instead.

Unlike Taurus, the personality of Leo goes more for flair and theatricality than for substance; if you are entering into a conversation with a Leo who knows everything, prepare yourself for a presentation, rather than a friendly debate or even a calm discussion.

Leo wins, even if they don’t know what they’re talking about, making it one of the most pretentious signs of the zodiac.

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3. Virgo:

This is an unfair game with Virgo in terms of arguments. If you ever find yourself in a battle of words with a Virgo, take the high road and let them yap on as they will.

Virgo likes to talk and talk, and rarely do they budge from what they believe to be a fact. Could they be referring to facts, or do they just believe so strongly in something?

The truth is that these people are filled with pride, just like Leos, and they prefer to fight rather than hear your point of view, let alone admit that you might have a point. Virgo, aka “The Perfectionist”, finds perfection in the concept that they are right and that you are not even close.




4. Sagittarius:

Known for their outgoing nature, they can sometimes adopt this attitude of love for freedom and claim the title role of “the greatest authority in the world over everything”.

What gives them such a nerve is that they are well-intentioned to know everything there is to know on a subject, and because of that, they cannot admit that you could know as much, if not, more.

Knowing more than the average Sagittarius is something that the average Sagittarius cannot contemplate. These positive intentions can lead them to knowledge, but once they have acquired it, they begin to imagine themselves as the supreme owners of this subject.

If you want to save yourself a migraine, avoid talking about travel or spirituality with a Sagittarius. You will regret it.

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