The daily spiritual messages for your Zodiac Sign!
Work on building your self-esteem and your own inner knowing rather than looking outside of yourself for answers and approval from others. Go within and connect with your inner intelligence and higher self. Love yourself more.
Read the message for your zodiac sign below to get a better idea of what to expect for the day.
Spiritual Message for Aries:
Aries, the Moon continues to transit through your partnership sector for part of the day, highlighting your relationship needs.
You are not the most decisive with this brief transit, but it is the right time to consider other perspectives. Good humor is possible now.
Although it is fairly easy to feel offended or frustrated, consider that the increase in tension is now linked to the desire to grow and improve. A Jupiter-Pluto aspect is now revealed, awakening your need for action to make changes. This is the second of three of these aspects.
The first took place in April and the third and last will take place in November. At this intermediate stage, you are well placed to observe where you are with your mission. You will manage your business, your career, or long-term goals differently as you gain a better understanding of your ambitions and desires.
You can aim for more authenticity in your career or through your life path and your direction. You may be determined to improve your situation, whether it be your professional life, your leadership skills, or the need to follow certain rules and structures and develop your self-discipline.
Spiritual Message for Taurus:
Taurus, it’s a good day for original ideas and problem-solving. Yet there can be growing tension. While this is really your eagerness to grow and improve, you might at first confuse it with dissatisfaction.
Jupiter and Pluto line up. They met for the first time in your spiritual sector in April, and they will meet for the third and last time in this same sector in November. This week, the themes of this transit are at the forefront.
Your perspective or your vision of the world is changing, and it continues. In doing so, you cannot do certain things in your life as you did with what you know and feel now. This may be a good time to question yourself a bit or further develop a line of study or a special project.
You’re no longer so tolerant of procrastination or denial, and it’s time to embrace your desire to grow, improve, and transform yourself. Learning from different perspectives is very present.
Changes in your life regarding education, religion, adventure, and discovery are among them. You continue to redefine yourself as your mind, communications, and topics of interest change. You now have a little more perspective on how you would like to move forward.
Spiritual Message for Gemini:
Gemini, the Moon continues to transit your leisure sector for part of the day, encouraging your need to share your affection and joy and have fun.
As the day goes on, you prefer to apply yourself to something more practical. A Jupiter-Pluto alignment occurs, which also awakens your ambitions.
This aspect took place for the first time in April, and it will happen again in November, and it is powerful for discovering your deepest desires. At this intermediate stage, you remember this mission to improve or deepen your connection with yourself, a special project, or a special person.
You gain a new perspective with recent events, and now you recognize what it means to you. This transit allows you to reveal desires or goals that you had not imagined in the past.
Combining your resources, whether financial or otherwise, with someone or moving forward in a delicate sharing dynamic can be an important objective. You do not feel exactly like the person you were, and you will follow paths that more reflect your values in terms of evolution.
Spiritual Message for Cancer:
Cancer, you tend to want to stick with what is familiar to you in the first part of the day, but your desire for interaction increases as the day progresses.
There may be some tension in a close relationship, or you may have opinions that encourage you to make big changes. Consider it really the need to grow and improve, and think of ways to do it while respecting your personal goals.
Jupiter and Pluto joined forces for the first time in April, and they are meeting again now. A new vision of the world, of yourself and of your relationships pushes you to make improvements, and this week, you will revive this mission.
With a deeper understanding of your relationship needs, you are in a better position to develop yourself. Rich learning experiences have occurred and you will be using several this week.
Spiritual Message for Leo:
Leo, your tendency for most of the day is to be more communicative and curious. The others are cooperative, although somewhat subject to debate or tension.
Try not to get carried away and connect with what matters most to you, which may be a deep need for expansion, improvement, and growth. Jupiter-Pluto alignment is now the second of three of these aspects, and it boosts your long-term motivation levels and determination.
Until November, you can focus on lasting beneficial change, and this theme is particularly strong this week. You want to improve your situation and you tend to see the main path to achieving these goals such as the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and better routines, habits, daily tasks, services, and work.
Indeed, Jupiter-Pluto alignment occurs in your work and health sector. A new perspective will take you to rethink and transform these areas of life. With a better understanding of what is most important to you and what motivates you, you will be in better shape to make the right choices.
It’s a solid time to make significant, long-term, impactful changes to your health, habits, work, and services. At this point, it is useful to analyze how to make improvements.
Spiritual Message for Virgo:
Virgo, you feel the need to relax or be more peaceful during the first part of the day. However, a “busy” state attracts you more and more throughout the day.
There may be some impatience or a feeling that you want to do something different, more exciting, and more satisfying. The Moon moves through your resource sector, encouraging you to improve on what you already have, and touching your communications sector, arousing your curiosity.
The second of the three Jupiter-Pluto alignments is currently occurring. This transit brings powerful energy to effect changes until November. In your sector of joy, creativity, leisure, play, and romance, you approach these areas of life with the determination to improve yourself, to succeed and grow.
You may be determined to make something of a creative project or to use your free time differently. Values change and this transit reflect your ability to make the most of your situation.
It is also about desires to express yourself and have fun in new ways. There may be developments with hobbies, creativity, self-expression, or romance. You are motivated to pursue things that bring you joy and to help others discover their passions.
Spiritual Message for Libra:
Libra, the Moon is in your sign for the first part of the day, and you set the mood. Even if you could be impatient, now is a good time to give yourself a little more attention.
You’re more excited and maybe a little more nervous today, but you’re also more than willing to start from scratch. Minor and difficult to define conflicts with others or small obstacles in your plans are possible, but worrying will not solve things.
A Jupiter-Pluto alignment that is currently occurring is the second of three such alignments in 2020. This transit strengthens your confidence and optimism to improve and improve your situation until November. It’s a global theme of support, and it’s in the spotlight this week.
You could strive to improve your emotional foundations, your family life, and your homeworld. It is a time when beneficial, robust, and long-term renovations are taking place physically and emotionally. You are determined to make improvements that will profoundly change your home, family, and personal life.
This is also a great time to put energy into the home or into a long-term initiative or business, something that will guide you for years to come. You can be very determined to make the most of your current resources. With Jupiter and Pluto retrograde right now, it makes sense to analyze and rework projects.
Spiritual Message for Scorpio:
Scorpio, the Moon continues its transit in your twelfth private and hidden solar house, suggesting that you had better relax and meet your needs for calm, rest, and regeneration.
Later in the day, however, the Moon moves in your sign and you can feel that you are coming to life emotionally. It’s hard to fix everything that’s going on around you, but a brief escape would help today.
Try to manage the details, consider the things that are no longer useful to you, and abandon the behaviors and attitudes that hold you back. A transit that started in April occurs again and involves an alignment between one of your governing planets, Pluto and Jupiter.
It can be a moment of great motivation to build something special, and great enthusiasm for a special personal interest, a goal, or a line of study. You might find a way to improve your life through writing, studying, and projects. You seek more meaning through what you do, learn, teach, and share.
Discover your own deeper ambitions or develop new interests as the world around you and your changes in perspective can appear strongly. Looking back will help you recognize the need to change, reform, and renovate your life. Your ideas and projects are powerful and you are determined to put them into action.
Spiritual Message for Sagittarius:
Sagittarius, you have a stronger sense of belonging today, but as the day progresses, you can feel more serious or you can withdraw into yourself just enough to understand how you feel.
Until then, watch for the tendency to want to do too much, too quickly. Fortunately, a motivating transit is happening now, and it can be used to boost your motivation levels. The second of the three Jupiter-Pluto alignments adds ambition and dynamism.
The first took place in April and the third and last will take place in November. Since this aspect occurs in your second solar home, you might consider developing your sense of security, your talents, your business, or your money matters as a primary means of improving your life.
With this aspect, you are ambitious, confident, and ready to devote yourself to improving your resources. You connect with desires you never knew you had, and changing circumstances dramatically change your perspective. You may be determined to follow your principles and change your activities with a new perspective. With the two retrograde bodies, it is best to consider ways to rework certain plans.
Spiritual Message for Capricorn:
Capricorn, your sense of responsibility is stronger than usual today, and you are more visible. Today can be a good time to check on where you are with your goals and duties.
You may be sensitive to delays, but it will not do you any good to dwell on what did not happen. Jupiter and Pluto first met in your sign in April, and they now return to meet again in retrograde motion. And this aspect continues until November.
Continue to keep an eye on the appropriate channel for intense ambitions, and this can be a powerful time for a sense of personal accomplishment. You can focus this energy on an important project or turn it inward if you are trying to understand yourself better.
The latter thing may be more appropriate now with the two bodies currently retrograde. You may feel compelled to improve your situation, and you will likely discover desires that you have never recognized, as your vision of the world and your place in this world are transformed.
It is time to continue working to be more authentic and to have more confidence, by setting an example for others. This week’s events tend to remind you of this mission.
Spiritual Message for Aquarius:
Aquarius, the transit through the Moon of your spiritual sector can stimulate your mood, although it can also serve to amplify destabilizing feelings.
Later in the day, the Moon heads to the top of your solar chart for a few days, reminding you to better understand your ambitions and goals or responsibilities. Be very careful when you move and communicate, because impatience is possible.
Still, there can be a lot of pressure to get things done, so idling can only frustrate you. Find a balance. Jupiter and Pluto meet in your twelfth solar house as they did in April and will do so again in November.
This transit is strong this week, and it helps you find more self-understanding by discovering desires and recognizing those who serve you well. You are looking for more meaning and purpose. You may be determined to remove an unhealthy attachment or resolve a problem that kept you from being happy.
Lifestyle changes can be significant. Most of your improvements will take place out of sight, as they are interior changes, not completely obvious to others but nevertheless important to you. The events that are happening now tend to remind you of your mission.
Spiritual Message for Pisces:
Pisces, you tend to observe others rather than actively socialize or connect today. The energies of the day may be a little too competitive or impulsive for your liking, which may be a reason to put you aside.
However, your motivation to improve is strong. Tension increases, especially if you feel limited or without direction. You come to a better understanding of what you need to do to make improvements, especially on a social level.
Jupiter and Pluto joined forces for the first time in April, and they meet again now in their retrograde phases. This influence reminds you of your mission to pay close attention to happiness goals and activities. You can be determined to make improvements and to improve yourself and the world.
The change is very present. You seek to improve your connections and your personal involvement or contribution in any way currently possible. The events that are happening now serve as a boost of encouragement to live with more authenticity, and changing the way you connect with others seems to be key.