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Who Is Your Patron Goddess, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Astrology is a very intense and powerful method for both divination and magic. It is considered extremely important to understand yourself through this occult art.

Ancient priests and priestesses believed that each sign of the zodiac was affiliated with deities and spirits due to the nature of each sign.

In addition, occultists and mysticists have consulted astrology in order to perform summoning spells and other rituals. Therefore, each sign has affiliated entities from which we have tried to define a patron goddess in this article.

Note that these deities are so powerful that of course, they transcend the limits of a zodiac sign. However, it seems fairer to call upon the “patron goddess” who is naturally closer to you. In addition, this connection may already be clear to you.




Brighid, the bright one

Your patron goddess is Brigid (or Brighid), born of Dagda, the almighty good God of the Tuatha of Danann (translated as the people of the goddess Danu- the primordial waters), is a beloved goddess of Ireland, although her worship spread in England where she is better known under the name of Brigantia. Many springs and wells were dedicated to the goddess in Ireland and England.

Brigid is a goddess of fire, light, and heat and her name means “Shiny/Exalted”. She is the master of all the arts (including magic) and is generally depicted as a blacksmith.

It is said that Brigid’s warriors were once called Brigands. She is the guardian of the divine forge and home capable of transforming, with her own magical, alchemical, and divine transmutation, one thing to another.

Aries can call upon her for her Divine Fire to inspire you, give you strength, and “guide your sword”. Brigid will help you balance your intense power and find peace within you. Devote a flame-shaped amulet to Brighid and wear it to draw inspiration and healing.





Hathor, the mistress of the west

Your patron goddess is Hathor! She was one of the most popular deities in ancient Egypt. Hathor was worshiped by royalty and the common people. In temples and of course funerary paintings, she is often described as “Mistress of the West”, who welcomes the dead into the afterlife.

In other roles, she was a goddess of love, joy, music, dance, foreign countries, and fertility. It was believed that she helped women in childbirth and that she was the patron goddess of minors. In a few words, everything that a Taurus worships in the most divine essence.

You can call upon her divine powers to help you put a smile on your face and cherish love. Hathor is there to help us enjoy life and guide us into the afterlife. Devote a two-horned amulet to Hathor and wear it for fertility, wealth, and good luck in romance.





Iris, the rainbow messenger

Your patron goddess is Iris, the winged goddess of Mount Olympus, who links the gods to the human race. She is responsible for transmitting the omens and messages of the gods to mortals while she also helped the gods when needed.

She travels on the speed of the wind from one end of the world to the other and into the depths of the sea and the underworld. Iris, the goddess with golden wings, is the personification of Rainbow. With her 7 main colors of the rainbow, she symbolizes the diversity of life and the 7 (and many more) realms in which she can travel.

Geminis can call upon her divine force to help them understand that bad news can sometimes have a positive impact on your life. In addition, Iris can bless your versatile nature and guide your travels. Dedicate a rainbow amulet to the goddess Iris and wear it to attract good news and good luck!





Artemis-Diana, the shining one

Your patron goddess is the twin sister of Apollo. Both are God and Goddess of the Sun and the Moon. Artemis, is the divine huntress, the one who protects us and helps women during childbirth. This sacred duty to help pregnant women made her extremely popular in the ancient world.

She was called “the stainless maiden,” “the safe one,” and “the uninjured one.” She was the goddess of childbirth and midwives. Moreover, Artemis, as the Goddess of the Moon was considered one of the most powerful sorceresses the world has never had. Her priestesses could actually call down the Moon.

Cancers can call on Artemis-Diana to help them tune to the power of the Moon. Their mood swings can actually be balanced with divine guidance and feel safer and more powerful than ever. Devote a crescent moon pendant to Artemis/Diana and wear it for safe sea journeys and magical powers.

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Sekhmet, the solar lioness

Sekhmet is one of the oldest and most revered goddesses in the Egyptian Pantheon. Its name derives from the word “sekhem” which means power. Thus, most scholars often call the goddess Sekhmet the “Powerful” or “the one who is powerful.”

Sekhmet was considered a warrior goddess, fierce and powerful, protector of all that is sacred, of the Egyptian borders, and of the reign of the pharaohs. For these attributes, she is venerated as “the one before whom evil trembles” and as “the one who mauls”, emphasizing her aspects as divine retribution. Sekhmet is believed to stand and defend Ra against his great enemy, Apophis the great evil serpent.

Leos can call upon their patron goddess, Sekhmet, to help them fight evil and defend their position. It gives them the strength to continue and achieve their goal. Sekhmet rewards loyalty and bravery. Consecrate a lion-headed amulet to Sekhmet and wear it to abolish the darkness.





Persephone, daughter of mother nature

Persephone is Virgo herself. She is a beautiful girl who enchanted the king of the underworld. After hearing her laugh, Hades, the dreaded god of the underworld fell in love with the beautiful daughter of Demeter, goddess of the harvest.

One day, Hades watched Persephone playing with Cerberus and decided that she should be his forever, so he stole her from the world, taking her into the underworld.

Your patron goddess is the queen of hell who is also responsible for the change of seasons. When Persephone goes to the underworld, at the autumnal equinox, Mother Nature falls asleep. Upon her return from the underworld, at the spring equinox, Mother Nature is resurrected!

Virgos can call upon Persephone to give them hope even when darkness has fallen. Persephone can help them understand that there is no real end, life goes on and spring will return! Persephone ate 6 pomegranate seeds and Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. Therefore, dedicate an amulet with the number six to the goddess. Wear it for protection and inspiration.





Isis, the restorer of life

Your patron goddess is a loving mother, the mistress of all magic and healing. Isis is the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. Isis’ magic was so strong that she even managed to bring her husband back to life in order to make their son, Horus.

Everyone prayed to her. The rich, the poor, the master, and the slaves, because Isis is the loving mother of all and she is always ready to hear our calls. She is the perfect wife, the one who devotes herself to her marriage and does everything she can to protect her family. Isis is the mistress of the Arts but she is also confident and wise.

Libras can call upon Isis to give them the strength and wisdom they need to make the right decision and stick to it. The Divine Mother can balance their emotions and think and bring them peace of mind. She can heal and enchant! Dedicate a necklace or an amulet with wings and wear it for magic and healing.





The Morrigan, the phantom queen

A warrior goddess associated with death and often represented by a trio of crows. The Morrigan loves these birds. Finding a black feather by chance was considered an omen of hell. The connection with your patron goddess and the crows is obvious, which is considered a bird that can see the realm of the dead.

It is she who decides who will leave the battlefield alive and who will be carried away on their shields. Her power is incredible, although only a few can know the extent of it and she likes to keep secrets to herself.

Scorpios can call upon Morrigan because life and death are truly an endless adventure for you and the more you seek, the more you discover incredible things and reasons to fight. Life is an endless battle for wisdom and you are a divine warrior born in this world to seek the truth. Dedicate a crow/raven amulet to the Morrigan and take it with you to discover the secrets of the world.

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Athena, the wise and brave

Athena is the patron goddess of Sagittarius. She is worshipped as the goddess of wisdom. Fair, courageous, and powerful, she will stop at nothing until justice is done and good has won the battle. Athena is the goddess who encourages us to be brave and not to focus on our fears, no matter how difficult our path.

The sacred animal of Athena is the Owl, who observes everything, knowing the truth. She will make sure that we get the wisdom we dream of if we deserve it. Therefore, we must be honest and good-hearted.

Athena can be called upon by Sagittarians because Wisdom is acquired through your daily experience, it is not in the books and no one can transfer it to you. You may find yourself learning a lot of little things, anything that you find boring and unimportant can help you gain wisdom when you look at it through a different lens. Dedicate a small owl necklace or an olive tree branch to Athena and take it with you for wisdom and protection.





Freya, the queen of valkyries

Freya is the patroness of witches and the form of magic they practiced was called Seidr. Legend has it that only women could learn and practice Seidr and that God Odin was dressed (or even changed) to a woman to learn this type of magic.

Seidr is described as a shamanic form of magic and the main practices include casting spells by chanting, contacting the spirits and the dead, divination, and vision into the future. Upon entering a trance phase, it is said that they transferred the strength of enemies to their own warriors. Finally, Freya has a deep love and an affiliation with fairies.

While Freya was in the underground kingdom of the dwarves, Svartalfaheim, she observed four dwarfs forging a magnificent necklace of gold and precious jewelry, Brisingamen, the emblem of the stars. In order to obtain this treasure, Freya asked the dwarves what they wanted in return. As you may have guessed, Freya had to “sleep” with the dwarves in order to obtain this treasure which she then enchanted with her magic.

Capricorns can call upon Freya as their patron goddess, to further strengthen them and achieve their goals. It will help you grow and succeed in your endeavors, and it will help you bring joy into your tough schedule! Dedicate a nice little shield to Freya and take it with you for your protection and your power!





Queen Mab, the intoxicating one

Queen Mab or Maeve/Maeb is the Queen of Connacht in the Ulster cycle of Irish theology. A mighty fairy queen, your patron goddess, also known as “the intoxicating one”. Medb is voluntary, ambitious, cunning and promiscuous, and is an archetypal warrior queen. She is believed to be a manifestation of the goddess of sovereignty.

In ancient and medieval Ireland, the drinking of mead was a key element in the king’s inauguration ceremony. According to tradition, a supernatural woman representing the sovereignty of the land chooses a king by offering him an alcoholic drink, thus bestowing sovereignty upon him.

Aquarians can call upon Fairy Queen Mab to give them fiery willpower and the good luck they need to face the pain of the mortal world. She will be there, enhancing their charms and making them feel even more unique than usual. Devote a fairy charm to Queen Mab and wear it to enhance your charms.





Yemaya, the mother of waters

Yemaya (Yemoja, Iemanja, Yemana) is known as the mother of the sea, the lady of the rain, the creative mother and she is one of the seven African powers, the well-respected gods of the Yoruban Pantheon. Her name (Yey Omo Eja) means “Mother whose children are fish” and express her direct association with the sea.

Often represented by a mermaid or a black woman by the sea wearing a blue-green and white dress, Yemaya is associated with the ocean, the saltwater, rain, healing fertility, the Moon, the subconscious, creativity and feminine mysteries such as menstruation, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause.

Yemaya governs the household and provides protection, security, love, and healing to all who ask for help. Yemaya is a merciful and compassionate spirit that was traditionally invoked by fishermen to bless their nets and provide food for their families.

In addition, the wives of fishermen often prayed to Yemaya for protection and to bring their husbands home safely. Finally, Yemaya is the patroness of all witches, and two of her sacred names are Queen of Witches and Mama Watta (Mother of the Waters) which explain why many of her disciples built their altars by the ocean.

Pisces can call upon Yemaya, the patron goddess, to feel safe and powerful. Water is both their element and she is the “Mother whose children are fish”, she will listen to them with compassion and grant them what they ask of her. Dedicate a seashell to Yemaya and take it with you for healing and good luck.

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