There are layers to compatibility. At the top, spanning familial, sexual, platonic, and other connections, is spiritual compatibility. Whatever your opinion of what a spiritual connection is with another person, the type of deep connections made with certain people cannot be replicated.
Every zodiac sign has people that this happens naturally with written in the stars. Astrology is a complicated study, but looking at your zodiac sign can always point you in the right direction where your closest spiritual connections are.
While there are many other factors in an astrological chart that shows how two people connect, the comparability of the zodiac sign can help us understand the purpose and spiritual understanding that we can have with another zodiac sign. Spirituality can be a deep feeling, but it is always accessible to everyone.
For each zodiac sign, there are at least two other signs with which you are most likely to feel this type of connection. These connections are inspired by both the personality type of your sign and your position on the astrological chart.
While it is possible to develop a spiritual relationship with someone of any sign, you may find yourself most naturally attracted to people with these two other specific signs.
Here are the two zodiac signs that you are most likely to have a spiritual connection with, according to your zodiac sign.
Aries: Libra and Scorpio
For Aries, spiritual connections are most likely with Libra and Scorpio. Libra and Aries are opposites, however, they are able to balance, allowing them to connect. The fact that opposites attract each other plays there.
For Scorpio and Aries, it’s about putting dreams into action. Both Scorpio and Aries are action-oriented and connect with the need to materialize ideas.
Aries is the spark of inspiration and Scorpio is the prime contractor for both, realizing the vision of Aries. Together, they connect deeply to transform imagination into something more concrete.
Taurus: Pisces and Libra
For Taurus, the spiritual connections with Pisces and Libra consist of finding joy in creativity. Pisces and Taurus understand each other spiritually because Pisces serves as inspiration and Taurus realizes their fanciful notions.
And for the connection of Taurus with Libra, it is a deep link on their common interests. Libra and Taurus both connect through their love of art, music, and dance. For them, art is something more spiritual than aesthetics and entertainment.
Gemini: Libra and Virgo
The outgoing nature of Gemini does not undermine their spirituality. Libra and Gemini are constantly chatting, both understanding the others’ airy communication needs. With Libra, they find a spiritual outlet without having to turn inward.
With Virgo, Gemini is able to find little more than a balanced connection. Both Virgo and Gemini are governed by Mercury and feel at home. Gemini adds laughter to Virgo, and Virgo makes Gemini think more deeply. Together, they come to a little more understanding.
Cancer: Taurus and Pisces
Cancer is an emotional sign, and their spiritual connections are linked to that. Taurus and Cancer connect on the need for security and sentimentality. This connection with Taurus allows for indulgence in some of the traits of Cancer that are not shared by all signs.
For Pisces and Cancer, the connection is instant. Pisces and Cancer connect on the same spiritual and emotional needs and desires. The two live life through feelings and intuition, which brings them together. Together, their bond is very deep.
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Leo: Aries and Sagittarius
Leos work hard to get what they want. This aspect of their personality can also become a spiritual feeling which they exploit with Aries and Sagittarius.
Aries and Leo connect on their desire and their motivation to be the best in all the tasks presented to them, which makes them understand their need for passionate projects. Some of their best ideas could come from brainstorming sessions with Aries.
Sagittarius and Leo get similar results, but for a slightly different reason. Sagittarius and Leo both love to use their spark of fire to start projects and initiate creative efforts, which makes creativity their bond. Together, they tap into another level of inspiration.
Virgo: Taurus and Gemini
The spiritual connection that Virgo and Taurus share is a deeply ingrained capacity for collaboration.
Taurus and Virgo understand each others’ needs to work toward a goal, which makes them connect as they understand the need to grow together. The spiritual connection allows them to undertake this without undermining each other.
For Gemini and Virgo, the connection is about balancing a scale. Gemini and Virgo connect through communication, Virgo helping Gemini to think more deeply and make judgments. Together, they find new aspects of their personality to exploit.
Libra: Taurus and Aquarius
Libra can adjust its emotional scales by balancing spirituality with the stress of everyday life. Taurus and Aquarius help them get there.
Both Taurus and Libra are governed by Venus, both are artistic and understand the desire of others to create beauty. And Aquarius, although an unpredictable match, helps Libra to tap into their most exciting ideas.
Aquarius and Libra can play hot and cold games with each other, however, both love to connect and share a spiritual passion for sharing ideas and manifesting projects together. With these two signs, Libra is able to meet its spiritual needs in different ways.
Scorpio: Cancer and Pisces
For Scorpio, establishing a spiritual connection with someone can seem a little tricky. Fortunately, they are able to connect with specific people, even if that is the extent of their relationship.
Cancer and Scorpio don’t always connect because of trust issues, but they share a deep understanding based on shared interests and spiritual practices.
Scorpio also manages to connect through intellectual understanding. Pisces and Scorpio share an emotional connection that is out of this world, filled with respect and understanding. Scorpio can approach spirituality differently from others, but they can always reach this connection when they are in good company.
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Sagittarius: Aries and Pisces
Sagittarius’ deep interest in spirituality means that this connection is easier for them, but it is particularly strong with Aries and Pisces, the first and last signs of the zodiac.
Aries and Sagittarius share a passionate connection because they both have fun searching for truths and initiating projects together. Together, the two signs are exploratory.
For Pisces and Sagittarius, the connection is more about settling in their own thoughts and feelings. Pisces and Sagittarius agree because they both share philosophical connections based on divine truths. Depending on what part of their spiritual mind that Sagittarius wants to tap into, they have two excellent connection options.
Capricorn: Taurus and Aquarius
Capricorn may need spirituality as a break from their busy life. Taurus and Aquarius can help them achieve this goal.
Taurus and Capricorn both understand the desire of others to work hard and play hard, which allows them to connect on all fronts, even though spirituality and artistic means.
For Aquarius and Capricorn, it is all about the deepest thoughts. Aquarius and Capricorn understand each other’s spiritual practices and the need to identify with a higher being, even having similar spiritual practices. Thanks to these connections, Capricorn can achieve a little peace.
Aquarius: Libra and Capricorn
Aquarius can be a bit absurd, so it’s very important to be able to share a spiritual connection with Libra and Capricorn.
Libra and Aquarius can chat all day, but know when to give the other space, that’s why this pair connects on all levels (because they never run out of things to chat). This ability to return to each other after time has passed keeps Aquarius strong over the years.
Capricorn can also achieve this balance with Aquarius. Aquarius is the most eccentric version of Capricorn. The two signs understand the determination and the limits of the other. When they find someone who can meet their needs, Aquarius is able to find a deep and meaningful connection.
Pisces: Cancer and Scorpio
The last zodiac sign is the most all-knowing, but even Pisces need their spiritual partners. Cancer and Pisces get along deeply because the two sensitive signs use their intuition to guide them through life. Together, they share a perspective that other zodiac signs are missing.
For Scorpio and Pisces, this is a more all-encompassing closeness. Scorpio and the Pisces connect in a famous way, the two feel completely safe with each other. For them, deep security is spirituality.
Whatever your zodiac sign, you will likely find people in your life with whom the connection seems to go further. Your zodiac sign, however, could direct you to more of these people, those who will understand your outlook on life not only emotionally, but spiritually.
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