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10 Uncomfortable Signs You Are Becoming the Person You’re Supposed to Be

1. You do everything on your own and feel isolated from others:

The more mature you are, the more you can manage it all by yourself and you feel like you don’t want to be anyone’s burden. You have even always said, “I’ve got this” to those who are sincerely ready to help you.

More often than not, you feel alone and isolated, but you are proud of yourself for being both strong and independent.




2. You understand that you have some issues:

You know exactly that you have problems to overcome; whether it’s your anxiety, mood swings, trust issues, or issues that affect your well-being.

You will recognize when, how and under what conditions these problems will arise and you will strive to overcome them.




3. You really want to cut off some unneeded relationships:

Over time, you will feel that you have a lot of knowledge, but few friends. You begin to question your relationships with others; you begin to realize who is real and who is not, who wants to stay or vice versa.

You will feel disappointed, guilty and sad to have lost friends you love, but you are brave enough to leave relationships that were toxic and emotionally abused your inner self.




4. You find it hard to trust people:

Not only because you are selective with your friends, but also because you will not easily buy people’s crap. You have often been disappointed with betrayals and broken promises; you know exactly how the real world works.

But, once you believe in certain people, you will be faithful to them and you will do everything to maintain this relationship.




5. You feel life is boring all the time:

It is difficult for you to feel satisfied with your life; there is always something you would like to achieve. The same routines and the same job will bore you to death and you will always ask yourself, “What’s the next step?” which always makes you want to work harder.

In addition, your life is “boring” because you have fewer unnecessary dramas in your life, which you can be proud of.




6. You know sadness well:

For you, life has no sugar coats; there are days when you feel hopeful, but there are also times when you feel like you are at the bottom of your life. You are able to accept broken hearts, failures, disappointment and feelings of sadness.

You recognize that life is not always about being happy. But even if you feel the pain, you can get up again and realize that there have been lessons from everything that has happened.




7. You feel like you’re constantly running out of time:

More often than not, you feel that 24 hours a day is not enough. You hardly sleep and you always find yourself in very busy situations. It is a struggle for you to save time for yourself and your loved ones.

There will always be something to do and sometimes you will be too hard on yourself to do things. It means that you have a strong determination to succeed.




8. You regret your past mistakes:

It is easy for you to blame yourself for the mistakes you have made in the past. You recognize that you have made bad decisions and sometimes you want everything to return to what it was.

But, you realize that regret is not going to get you anywhere and the only thing you can do is not repeat the same mistakes you made.




9. You miss your childhood, family and loved ones:

Growing up sucks and you always find yourself watching your old life when everything was in its place. You live alone and being separated from your family and loved ones is not at all easy.

But deep down you don’t want to give up; you are fully aware that all struggles and success will be the best gift for all the people you love.




10. You feel lost, confused and anxious about your future:

You seem bold and strong, but most of the time you feel extremely insecure about your own life. You have always wondered what you really need and what is your purpose in life. You don’t know exactly how life is meant to be, just because so many unexpected things happen.

But, despite all the confusion and fears, you can manage to always finish your responsibilities and your work. At the end of the day, you always take things one day at a time and you fully understand that everything will happen according to your own time zone.




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