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4 Zodiac Signs The May 2019 Full Moon Will Affect The Most

Also known as the moon of flowers, the full moon of May 18, 2019, will retain all the energy of the new moon in Taurus. This makes it a great time to reflect on what has worked for us this month and what is not working now, and what the next few weeks to the beginning of our lunar cycle will look like.

The full moon is often considered the end of a chapter, when in fact it is the culmination. This culminating energy can mean many different things for all signs, but some signs are more affected than others.

It is important to remember that things will not be complete during this full moon. You will still be able to reevaluate, correct and change the outcome of the goal you seek to achieve. If you find yourself in a situation that does not flourish, now is the time to change that.

These are the 4 zodiac signs that will feel most the effects of the full moon on May 18, 2019:


Taurus: April 20 – May 20

With the full moon in your sign, you could feel a lot of pressure to succeed. But this is the best time to relax, watch the world and your hard work unfold around you.

It is essential to feel good, sometimes it is quite normal to say no. Do the things you want, no matter what others say.



Cancer: June 22 – July 22

During this moon of flowers, the vibrations that you will emit will be strong and sensual. Take a look at your own situation, find what is best for you to be as comfortable and powerful as possible. Define what you want to attract. This full moon will take care of the rest.



Virgo: August 23 – September 22

It’s very simple for people to tell you to “follow your heart”. But in reality, what does it mean? During this full moon, it will be time for you to determine what guides you in your decisions. Is it your heart? Is it fear? Or is it completely different? Concentrate your energy on what guides you.



Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

It will not be long before your various accomplishments start to get bored. You are already thinking about the future even before celebrating the present. So slow down and enjoy the moment. This flower moon is an opportunity for you to relax for a while.

This full moon is the culmination of your goals, like all full moons. This is another month of sunrises and sunsets. This full moon may look like the end of something. But in reality, an end is only a new beginning.

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