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These are the 4 Zodiac Signs that are Most Likely to have Psychic Abilities

According to the astrologers, some signs of the zodiac are more intuitive or have more “psychic” energy than others. But all signs can harness their psychic abilities.

“Intuition is the ability to quickly understand something without relying on conscious reasoning,” says astrologer Kyle Thomas. “In terms of intuition, we all have the ability to harness that power and use it on a daily basis. ”

It is also this feeling that you have when you meet someone new and that you know that he will be someone special for you. According to Kyle Thomas, we draw on this “psychic” energy every day, whether consciously or not.

If you are Capricorn, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Aries, you will probably find it harder to hear this “inner voice”.

The concept of intuition is particularly related to emotions and feelings rather than logic or reason. Here are the 4 signs of the zodiac that are most likely to have psychic abilities:


1. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

CANCER AUGUSTCancer has the innate ability to communicate with one’s emotions. He is also able to read between the lines. He naturally captures the feelings of those around him, a bit like a sponge, then internalizes them to discern the motives and thoughts of these people.

Even though he does not have as much psychic abilities as other people on this list, Cancer remains one of the most intuitive signs of the zodiac. Thomas says “The Cancers lead with their hearts”. They sometimes make the wrong choice because of this, but they always remember the lesson and rarely make the same mistake twice.



2. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

SCORPIO AUGUSTThomas says “Scorpio is strongly linked to the deepest realms.” This is the sign of the zodiac that maintains the strongest relationship with “occultism” and all things hidden, private and divine. Scorpions are aware that darkness and light are present in all people.

These people are known to be intense and hypnotic. Sometimes talking to a Scorpio can give you the feeling of looking deep into your mind. Do not try to lie to them, because they will know it right away.



3. Aquarius (January 20th – February 18th)

AQUARIUS AUGUSTAquarius is the most avant-garde sign with “visionary and great abilities,” but only if they can get out of their heads. According to Thomas, many Aquarians can be enlightened and attracted by unique or esoteric ideas. For this reason, they are more likely to practice tarot or astrology.

Thomas adds, “They tend to be intrigued by culture, which allows them to intuitively understand things about other people that other signs of the zodiac tend not to see.” When Aquarians are not too “stuck in their heads” to perceive the people around them, they can make the most of their intuition.

Read Also: These are the Innate Psychic Abilities of Each Zodiac Sign.



4. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

PISCES AUGUSTPisces are often naturally talented mediums, artists or healers and they are deeply connected to the ethereal world. As the last sign of the zodiac, “they are tied to the past, present, and future and are able to transcend what they see with their senses,” says Thomas.

Nevertheless, as they tend to have a deep connection to spiritual things, they can easily be overwhelmed by emotions. They are known to be great dreamers who are easily lost in fantasies. This can become problematic when they forget to tell the difference between reality and fiction.


Strengthening your trust in your inner voice will require hard work and effort. But by listening to your heart, your intuition, and your personal needs, you will have the power to make better decisions and lead a more fulfilling life.


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