“It’s not about having a perfect relationship that matters most… It’s about finding a person who will cross everything with you and who will not let you down.”
Being madly in love is one of the most magical experiences in a person’s life. We ask ourselves more and more questions when we meet a new person: Will it last or not? Is it the right person or not? Are we compatible? Could it be my soul mate?
You do not always know if you are made for each other. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and open your heart to what is in front of you.
Discover 7 signs that indicate you are destined to be together:
1. You Join Together.
It’s only natural to be an idiot. You can tease yourself. Laughter is always present in your relationship. Often, this kind of relationship starts with a friendship. You like yourself enough to be yourself. It is a healthy environment.
If you can laugh at yourself, with your partner, without any restraint, you have something that few people have the privilege of having.
2. You Have No Fear of Disagreement.
You know that if you argue, your partner will listen to you and not reject you. He takes you seriously, even if he thinks you are wrong.
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3. You Can Be Vulnerable.
When you open up, you live authentically. You are true and natural. There is beauty in the acceptance of your faults and those of the other. Sharing your stories with your partner is liberating. It is in this vulnerability that true love flourishes. If you can say what you have on your heart without feeling judged or criticized, that person is a guardian to you.
“What happens when people open their hearts? They are better.”
~Haruki Murakami
4. You Feel Like Yourself when You Are with Each Other.
You do not feel like having to pay attention to what you are going to say; you are not embarrassed or anxious.
There is no manual for relationships, but these signs will help you get started. It is your heart that will let you know if you have found the right person. As psychologist Carl Jung said,
“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is a reaction, both are transformed.”
5. You Respect Mutually.
Mutual appreciation requires a certain level of trust and respect. Respect requires honesty. The truest form of love is the way you behave with another person in a relationship. In this state of respect, you share things you would not tell anyone. Respect is earned. When you are in a relationship that provides security, you have found your partner.
“The day you put someone on a pedestal, they’ll look down on you. The trick is to respect each other.”
~Teresa Mummert
6. You Rise Mutually.
You show the best possible versions of yourselves to each other. You become explorers and adventurers to find ways to bring joy to each other. You accept everything without feeling judged. It is in this kind of relationship that the best is reinforced. If your relationship is based on mutual admiration and inspiration, you have found a jewel in your life.
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7. You Are Not Jealous
You want to spend time with each other, but you also need some space. You are not afraid to let him out with his friends. You let your partner have his own life and his hobbies. There is no co-dependence or possessiveness. You want to be with each other, but it is important to have freedom of expression and distinct interests.
“Suspicious people eclipse your sun because they are jealous of your daylight and are tired of their dark nights without stars.”
~Shannon L. Alder
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