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Jupiter Turns Direct In Capricorn, Here’s How it Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Jupiter, the planet of generosity, expansion, wisdom, and joviality stations direct in Capricorn on September 12. It will bring a plethora of opportunities, which can also mean more responsibilities.

Jupiter’s retrograde encourages us to be humble and grateful. But when it stations direct, it infuses us with vigor and enthusiasm for new possibilities. Currently, Jupiter hovers over Capricorn, the responsible zodiac sign. Harness its energies to analyze and build your foundations.

You will receive abundance not only in your professional life but also in your personal life. As part of this cosmic alliance, you can work to secure your love life, health, professional life, and financial future. As Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn, taking responsibilities and hard work will pay off.

Here’s what to expect based on your zodiac sign:




Focus on compassion, wisdom, and kindness to grow spiritually. Remember that having authority is also an opportunity to learn.

As Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn, you should make an effort to help others near you.





It’s time to say yes this time around. You need to get out of your comfort zone and take advantage of the opportunities that Jupiter offers.

This cosmic alliance will encourage you to speak your mind and stand your ground.





As Jupiter stations direct in Capricorn, you need to focus on giving rather than what you get. Gemini, you might not know it yet, but your resources are plentiful.

Share your time, skills, knowledge, love, and energy as Jupiter stations direct. You will realize that sharing will only multiply your resources.





This transit will activate your partnership and your love life. If you’ve been through emotional distance with your partner, now is the time to come together.

There will be an abundance of karmic and spiritual connections. Keep an eye out for people who are simply using you and strengthen your relationship with your loved ones.

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Now is a great time for you to get active in your local circles. Find opportunities to help your community by volunteering.

Sure, it can be tiring, but remember Jupiter brings abundance. You will only find opportunities when you look for them.





Under this cosmic alliance, stimulate your creativity. You are talented and gifted, but you often don’t believe in yourself.

It’s time to give yourself some love and encouragement that you are offering to others. As Jupiter stations direct under Capricorn, be careful with your love life and financial matters.





If you’ve had resentments and hurts from the past, it’s time for you to let go. You will find abundance through forgiveness.

Sit down with yourself and ask yourself if you want inner peace. Once you remove your emotional blockages, you will get a greater sense of liberation and happiness.





Jupiter in Capricorn will help you find abundance if you stimulate your intellect.

Sign up for a class or try to learn something new. Find a goal, and you will surely achieve it.





Jupiter hovers over your money matters. However, you need to take inspiration from Capricorn and be more grateful.

Don’t think about gaining financial prosperity. Just focus on your loved ones and you will find abundance in everything.





As Jupiter stations direct in your sphere, you must lead others. Focus on healing people near you and you will heal yourself.

The key to finding abundance is to help others.





You need to focus on accepting your current reality and reflect on your actions.

Things can suffocate you sometimes, but lead your life with gratitude and you will see opportunities present themselves everywhere.





Now is the perfect time for you to set a future goal. What do you want in life? How can your actions bring harmony to your community? Find a common goal and abundance will follow you.

Jupiter stationing direct in Capricorn will also expand our limits. Trust the Universe for abundance is in the air.

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