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The Psychopathic Traits You might Have, According to Your Zodiac Sign

There are several types of psychopaths and over 20 different psychopathic traits. The traits to which you are predisposed can be easily identified based on your zodiac sign.

Most people find that their zodiac sign can be a flashlight in the dark of their own personality, lighting up forces they did not know they had. The information provided by the zodiac is often strangely accurate, which makes people trust it more and more.




The psychopathic traits of an Aries include fearlessness and sometimes poor impulse control. The type of psychopath they are is the risk-seeking and thrill-seeking psychopath known to have poor impulse control and impulsivity that can be thought of as fearlessness.

Aries psychopaths are motivated by a need for adventure or excitement as their stimulation. Their real negativity lies in their unreliability and irresponsibility. For an introverted Aries, they are more prone to substance abuse.

Aries will draw you into their world of excitement, but others will do their best to stay engaged with the real world when they are swept away.





Driven by envy and complacency, the psychopathic tendencies of Taurus are a need to compensate for a devouring emptiness.

They choose to fill this void with the destruction of someone else’s life because they take whatever they feel empowered to do. The real downfall of a Taurus psychopath is that he can never fill the void that torments him.

Their greedy behavior is exacerbated by the fact that they know it, but a Taurus is known to be stubborn, and they continue anyway.





Lying and seduction are the traits of the Gemini psychopath. Their psychopathic tendencies are those that people can easily identify from afar.

They are excellent for deducing the wants and needs of others through interaction and observation. They know how to compliment and flatter someone to give them exactly what they want.

In many cases, Gemini psychopaths will end up stumbling into the incredible number of lies they tell to get what they want.





The Cancer psychopath is known to be the soul mate type. They seem to be perfect for their target, part of a perfect compatibility and creating a vision of a perfect future.

Cancer psychopaths really seal the deal in relationships, working to fully trap their partner, then becoming the self-centered and possessive psychopath that Cancer is.

Perfect soulmate conversations will stop being satisfying and only happen often enough to keep the embers alive and Cancer in the possession of the person they want.

Recommended: What Each Zodiac Sign Should Hear After a Bad Day.





Leos are social climbing psychopaths who spark publicity while terrorizing family and family friends in private. They exhibit the psychopathic traits of being brilliant while being to an equal extent, paranoid and suspicious.

They are vindictive and impulsive, ready to grab and shoot to climb higher, seeking power methodically, but quickly. They always manage to have a scapegoat close at hand, so people should be wary of Leos, especially in a work environment.





The key psychopathic traits of Virgos can be found in career fields filled with academics such as law, medicine, education, and the scientific community.

They are the academic psychopaths who are willing to spend the time necessary to get where they want to be, but others can and will wrap themselves in the vernacular of the profession they want and rig their credentials to get what they want.

They don’t get stuck in getting caught, they adjust and move on to the next job in the profession they want using a resume full of lies. They have no respect for the destruction they cause.





Libras are would-be saint psychopaths with traits that include sadistic and intriguing brutality and an abusive and manipulative personality. Although they seem to have immaculate morals, they simultaneously condemn everyone as being immoral.

The rigidity of their belief that they have high morality leads them to control and corrupt without guilt.

Many Libra psychopaths end up working as police officers, religious leaders, and even these knuckle-rapping nuns and corporal punishment using teachers.





Scorpios are the kind of psychopath who is sexually motivated. They target whoever they want when they want without the need or worry of consent.

Scorpio psychopaths are known to enjoy a wide range of almost everything that is sexual. They are almost impossible to interact with without being consumed because they are a dominant force that also derives pleasure from submission and power games.

Recommended: What Really Terrifies You, According to Your Zodiac Sign.





A Sagittarius psychopath is also known as the type of used car salesman kind of psychopath. They can attract anyone with their sales pitch and carefully identify and work their brands to make the sale.

They also never make a “one and done” speech, they relate to the person, convincing them that they are trustworthy so that they can expertly manipulate them to do what they want. They feel no remorse for their actions.





The psychopathic traits presented by Capricorns are suspicious and guided by terror and retribution. Capricorn psychopaths are terrified of being exposed and dangerous because they fear being taken and exposed for who they are.

They are masters in the art of creating an optimal projection but fear of being obliged to take responsibility for everything they do to them.

This fear applies to being found out for good or bad deeds, they do not like to be exposed. They are dangerous when they take revenge with vast cruel vengeance plots when they are harmed.





The antisocial psychopathic traits are held by Aquarius. They refuse to obey the law or comply with social norms although they are happy to seek their own gain by deceiving others.

They are masters of pseudonyms, but incapable of planning for the future. They are terrifying because they can rationalize the harm they cause to others and what they have done, but they still do it anyway.





Pisces are the artistic type of psychopath with traits that include incredible verbal skills while displaying impressive knowledge of history, art, culture or, in many cases, all three.

They seem charismatic, artistic, gifted and charming and stick to groups of crowds with creative people to allow them to blend in.

This type of psychopath uses his artistic talent to get others to satisfy them tirelessly while seeming to focus on a great creation, making others happy to work for them.

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