Everyone is aware of the five human senses: smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. However, most people completely ignore one of our main senses: empathy.
Humans are not at the top of the world simply because we have opposable thumbs and advanced brains. We were put here for a very important reason, and we are capable of much more than building complex architecture or running multi-billion-dollar businesses.
We have a sense of intuition, a knowledge that flows from the interdependence of everything; the interdependent universe. Just as we have our physical senses, we are also born with metaphysical senses like empathy.
Empathy is a very important thing and without it, the world would be chaotic madness without remorse, as it almost is. Society seems to be losing its empathy as time goes by and you can see examples of it throughout social media and public society today.
Although it seems that most people struggle to take into account others, some seem unable to stop – like me. People like me are troubled by the intensity with which they absorb the emotions of others.
Empaths are born with a special ability to sense the emotions and energy of others. We know how to read people, understand the points of view of others and be a useful earth citizen. While empathy can make a lot of sense, some of us are a little confused.
Empaths struggle with certain things that most people do not experience. The ability to sense and absorb the energetic emotions of others can be very strenuous and exhausting. It weighs on us sometimes and sometimes we don’t even know that it is our empathy that causes other side effects. Like these ten things, you never realized you were doing it because you are an empath!
1. Being hypersensitive:
The hypersensitivity of an empath can cause them one or two problems along the way, it is nevertheless something with which it is difficult to get used to. We are extremely sensitive to energy in general, including emotions.
We experience regular emotions with an intensity far greater than that of most people. This can be emotionally stressful because you are very vulnerable to emotions.
2. You absorb the emotions of others:
When I say that empaths absorb other people’s emotions, I’m not lying and not exaggerating at all. We tend to absorb the energy of others at intense levels and therefore it is very important to pay attention to those around you.
People tend to imitate those around them, but empaths do it on a totally different level. A strong negative influence can cause them everything.
3. You know you don’t belong here:
An empath has an extremely powerful sense of intuition. Their intuitive abilities allow them to have access to conscious awareness from which, most people are disconnected these days.
Empaths have an overwhelming sense of knowledge and they know they don’t belong here with everything in their soul. They know they can do great things, but they just don’t know where to start.
Recommended: 7 Weird Things You May Have Noticed About Authentic Empaths.
4. Your compelling need to change the world:
Empaths are about one thing, it’s healing. They are natural healers and are always looking for ways to change the world. They may get discouraged from time to time because they feel so small compared to 7 billion other people, but that never stops them from trying to change the world.
They are capable of incredible things, and perhaps the world would not be the same without them.
5. You feel like you know:
Empaths are born with the feeling of knowing that they tend to be unable to explain or describe. It is very similar to the gut feeling you get in your stomach when you know the right decision to make.
This is called intuition and it is much stronger than the normal feeling of the gut. They may be completely unable to explain it to another person, but that does not allow them to know less.
6. Relationships overwhelm you:
An empath is an extremely amazing friend to have in your life, and they are some of the absolute best intimate lovers. They really love and care for souls, but relationships can easily scare them or make them feel overwhelmed.
They are afraid of the vulnerability and suffering that prevents them from letting others in and trusting them.
7. You attract negative people:
One of the most hated things about their gift is that they tend to be real magnets for negative people. Empaths are easily exploited because of their sophisticated ability to understand where others come from.
This essentially causes negative people to attract them.
8. You love nature:
Empaths are most at home when they are in the wild, with trees, plants, and animals. It’s almost as if being with nature allows them to regenerate and give them a new, revitalized start.
Nature is the remedy for everything you struggle with in life. At any time, you might consider escaping from nature.
9. You have a big heart:
Of course, empaths have a very big heart. They are extremely loving people who are always looking for a new way to help our society as a whole. They always want to improve the lives of others in every way possible.
Their big hearts might make them take advantage from time to time, but they would never do it. These people are able to feel love like no one else.
Recommended: 15 Survival Tips for Ultra Empathic People.
10. You have trouble separating your feelings from others:
The natural gift of an empath is to be able to feel the energy of others and to synchronize with them in the midst of human emotions. This happens completely reluctantly and can cause an empath to find it difficult to differentiate their feelings from those of others.
They are very inclined to be convinced because they are very open to all situations. However, they find it difficult to stay in touch with their own emotions and feelings. They tend to be blinded by the energy of other people around them, which makes them confused about how they really feel.