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6 Ways To Defeat Your Impatience

Each of us is familiar with those situations in which we are in line at the supermarket checkout and in front of us, there are about ten people with a full cart.

The wait seems endless, a lady who clashed at the hand contests the non-discount on detergent, a credit card that does not work, coins that are not found, children who scream and the time that slips away.

In situations like these, even the calmest and quiet person in the world could lose patience.

But would it help something? Is it worth getting irritated and getting impatient in situations like the one just described?

The answer, of course, is NO, but from here to be able not to lose patience the road is really long.

Here are some practical tips to keep your frenzy at bay and avoid getting impatient even in the most seemingly unnerving situations.


1. Be aware of the moment. 

We often lose patience because our mind is constantly projected towards the future. On the contrary, try to become aware of every single moment of your life. Live the present. It does not matter if you are in the queue at the post office or lying down on the beach, every single moment of your life is a precious treasure


2. Train your patience. 

Practice being calmer and less hectic. Try to sit for 10 minutes without doing anything: it seems a simple exercise but for many, it is not because after 1-2 minutes impatience and frenzy seem to have the best. Try taking a walk and walking slower than usual, try eating your lunch chewing more slowly than you normally do.


3. Meditate. 

Meditation allows you to calm your mind and develop more patience. Try it whenever you can, you will soon have great benefits.


4. Slow down. 

The chaotic nature of our days often imposes frenetic rhythms that transmit only tension, stress and impatience. Do not try to go faster than the world around you. Indeed, give the example and try to be the first to slow down. Remove unwanted tasks from your calendar, redefine your goals and priorities, start relaxing for real.


5. Count up to 10 … or up to 100! 

However trivial this suggestion has often proved useful in my experience. It is very simple to put into practice and often works. Whenever a situation is about to lose patience, simply try closing your eyes and counting up to 10 (or up to 100 if necessary!). This will allow you to let off the accumulated tension and anger at least partially.


6. Breathe. 

The simple and delicate act of breathing is extraordinary in its effects. When you feel tense or impatient, take a deep breath, feel the air slip into your lungs and welcome the flow of serenity that follows. Visualize the tension that comes out of your body together with your breath and embrace the sense of calm that begins gently to wrap you up.

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