Astral travel, also known as astral projection, is another term for what is commonly called an out-of-body experience.
It can take place by being awake and lucid dreaming. An astral projection is where the conscious mind leaves the earthly physical body and enters a parallel dimension.
It is an entrance to consciousness. People can experience their true being. If you are a beginner, follow these simple steps to learn how to make it happen.
The eight-step guide to Astral travel:
1. Health:
Make sure you are healthy and full of energy before you start trying; the amount of energy you have will determine your ability to project out of your body, how long you can stay out of your physical body and what frequency you can reach during your projection.
2. Relaxation:
You should be able to enter a complete state of relaxation. Raise or lower your body, consciously relaxing each group of muscles. Release any tension and feel your body become more flexible and lighter.
Relax your mind.
Feel calm and peaceful and let all the distracting thoughts come and go. Concentrate on your breathing, feel the air entering your body, then slowly leave your body.
Meditation is a fantastic way to completely relax your body, calm your mind and prepare you physically and mentally for a projection.
3. Try different methods:
Everyone has the capacity to be able to astral project, but most people do not have the consciousness, belief or understanding to do so. There are different ways of projecting.
Some people imagine pulling and climbing on a rope; your “inner body” is pulled from your “physical body” when you climb more and more on the rope.
Ignore all the other feelings and just focus on climbing the rope higher and higher. You must be relaxed when you do this.
As you climb higher, you will feel yourself begin to vibrate. Continue and you will leave your body below, finding yourself hovering above.
Other people use visualization techniques, at first, to help them learn to astral project. After you have completely relaxed your body, visualize yourself floating out of your body.
Believe it will happen, invoke intensely the feelings of what is happening. The vibrations will start. Keep imagining yourself floating free from your physical body until you actually float.
Another method is to imagine a fixed and immovable object. See it in your mind and imagine that you reach out and grab hold of this object, using it to free yourself from your body.
As your pull becomes stronger, you should feel yourself closer and closer to the object, until you reach it and are outside your body.
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4. Sounds:
Binaural beats can help even the most obstinate minds to astral project. These sounds affect the frequency of brain waves and can help with astral travel.
They should be listened to with headphones, as different sounds are sent through each ear to target different sides of the brain.
5. Have no fear:
The fear of leaving your body can be one of the main reasons why you find that you cannot do it. You must give up all fear.
During the projection, the astral body and the body of flesh and blood are linked by a flow of energy, often called a silver cord. You are completely safe and cannot lose your way.
In addition, during the projection process, partial paralysis occurs. Beginners should not be afraid of it.
6. Try it at different times:
There is no fixed time better suited to the astral project, although most people prefer projection to be the last thing at night or the first thing in the morning.
As a beginner, be aware that putting yourself in a state of deep relaxation as the last thing at night could eventually put you to sleep and thus make you unable to make a projection at that time.
7. Keep projecting:
It is possible that astral travel can occur spontaneously. For the majority of people, however, they must intentionally try to project themselves.
Vibration levels are increased to allow people to consciously explore different areas.
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8. Return:
The projection can last from a few seconds to a few hours. But ultimately, consciousness must return to the body it left behind. To get into your body, focus on your heart and imagine yourself being brought inside.
When your two selves merge again, you will probably feel a little dizzy. This is completely normal, and after a few moments, you will return to normal.