In this article, we are going to give you six Ayurvedic self-healing techniques that won’t take you more than 10 minutes a day. They will allow you to have better physical, mental and spiritual health.
Ayurveda is the oldest holistic healing system used today. What is even more interesting is that people in India use Ayurvedic treatment more than conventional medicine, and they study Ayurveda in schools and universities.
In addition, the World Health Organization, at its congress in Alma Ati in 1977, officially recognized Ayurveda and recommended its practice.
As long as the body, soul and spirit work in harmony, a person will remain in good health – it is the basic Ayurvedic philosophy and the ancient Indian healing method that has resulted.
Everything in the universe is imbued with energy and interconnected, according to Ayurveda.
The three doshas (sort of bioregulators) that keep the body alive and make it work are “Pitta”, “Kapha” and “Vata”. Vatta regulates breathing, Kapha maintains strength and Pitta controls metabolism.
If they are balanced with each other, we feel very good.
Good nutrition, massage, yoga, and meditation improve our self-healing abilities.
Here is a daily self-healing method in just 10 minutes:
In the morning – 6 minutes:
Tongue cleaning – 30 seconds
After brushing your teeth, remove any residual plaque from the tongue using your brush. The liver, gallbladder, and kidneys are the organs that help our body to remove harmful substances.
As a byproduct of certain metabolic processes, sediments and toxins are created on the tongue. If we do not eliminate them, after a while, they start to block the flow of energy in the body.
Use the power of sesame oil – 2 minutes
After brushing your teeth and tongue, rinse your mouth for two minutes with a spoon of sesame oil, spit it out and rinse it off with warm water. Sesame oil prevents the creation of dental plaque, tooth decay, and gingivitis. It is rich in linoleic acid and acts against fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
Recommended: 6 Energetic Ways to Heal Your Body Using the Power of Your Mind.
Self-massage – 3 minutes
For massage, you will need gloves or a soft brush. Massage each part of your body 10-20 times, in this order: neck, back, as far as you can reach, then rub your shoulders, hands, and fingers with circular motions. Gently massage the upper part of the chest with a horizontal movement. Then go to the stomach and massage from top to bottom, and from left to right.
Go to the thighs. Rub them from the outside, and from top to bottom. Then go to the knees and feet, massaging them with a circular motion. Massage improves circulation and restores energy. Each skin segment is associated with an internal organ, and all of them work much better and have better blood circulation after a massage, say Ayurvedic practitioners.
During the day – 2 minutes:
Drinking hot water – 30 seconds
Boil half a liter of water for 10-15 minutes, pour it into a thermos and take three sips every half hour. Thanks to its special energy characteristics, boiled water stimulates digestion and helps eliminate toxins from the body.
Practice relaxing breathing – 2 minutes
Take a deep breath with your nose, hold it for a few seconds, then breathe out through your nose. Think of nothing; If you find it hard to relax, think of something good, the beach, the wind … problems, anger, and fear often lead to organ disease.
In this way, we stimulate our brain to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness), which make us happy. However, it will take a little training.
Recommended: Square Breathing Technique: Transform Your Life In One Minute.
Evening – 2 minutes:
Boost your digestion and improve the quality of your dreams – 2 minutes
Heat a little sesame oil. Massage a few drops on your belly, then, using the whole palm, continue to massage your belly with gentle circular movements. Then soak a towel with warm water and keep it on your stomach until it cools. Finally, wipe the stomach.
This gentle massage helps digestion by stimulating the contraction of the intestines, thus solving the problem of insomnia that results from poor digestion.
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Spiritual Techniques For Healing The Body