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This is Your Mission and Personality, According to Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign

The ancient Egyptians believed that their personality and life were determined by the sign in which they were born.

The people who are today in search of their destiny, have started to refer to the different astrological points of view of the most ancient cultures of the world, such as China, the Celts, and the Egyptians, among the most significant.

The Egyptian horoscope gives very clear signals about the personality characteristics and the mission of the signs according to your date of birth.


Children of Bastet, the goddess of cats (January 16 -February 15):

Saturn, purple

Are considered people of great intelligence, courage, and ingenuity. They are very cautious and are considered healthy. Those who were born under this Goddess are said to have no shortage of wealth at home.

It is believed that they are diplomatic people, with great courage and rapidity of thought and aesthetic balance, but reluctant to encroach on to invade their privacy, they do not want impositions and hate them as a routine. They love their freedom.

Mostly they are clairvoyants or their sixth sense is highly developed, they love the mysterious. Congenital communicators relate to everyone in a good way. They are extremely creative. In love, they need someone strong and dominant to surrender with passion, but loving their freedom they also tend to have problems in this regard.

Their mission is to change the world through their ideas, inventions and innovations and their altruism pushes them to always think of helping others. They must learn to manage their patience and rebellion towards work.




Selket’s children (February 16 – March 15)

Neptune, pink

They are people associated with work and patience. They don’t stop and go at a steady pace to get what they want. They have great physical strength and energy, allowing them to work tirelessly. They are patient, methodical and able to follow a routine, which in turn leads them to be a little stubborn.

In their relationships they go slowly, they don’t show their feelings without feeling safe.

Despite being very introverted, they are very good and convincing when they speak. Mystical, emotional, romantic, kind and idealistic, they feel great compassion for those who need help. Their mission is to teach others to act selflessly.




The children of Apep, the sacred serpent (March 16 – April 15):

Mars, red

Are strategists by nature, very intelligent. They get everything they want, as well as respect for others. They are considered leaders, great speakers, and motivators. They have the ability to solve everything with their cunning.

Their love is great, they have faith, they try to keep their selfishness in check, they are very ambitious, they always try to obtain a prestigious position.

They are direct people, they love challenges and are very competitive. Independent and dynamic, they can also be very anxious.

Their mission is to guide others and defend just causes. But they have to control their impulsiveness, impatience, and arrogance.




The children of the path that opens (April 16 – May 15)

Venus, white

They are people looking for security and tranquility and care, who represent fertility and the mother. Usually very cheerful and also popular, but a little stubborn.

They often fall in love easily. In general, they are also active and dress well. They can be impulsive at times, and even presumptuous, but being so charming, those around them easily forget this attitude.

They love freedom and free will, the reason that makes them independent from a young age. The ideal love story for them is simple, without major complications. They love the home and family. Sensitive, practical and romantic, they need someone next to them.

They are hard workers with great perseverance. Their mission is to organize the work and make their dreams come true. They convey security and are the mainstay of the family, but they must learn to control their stubbornness and stop being possessive at times.




Atum’s children (16 May – June 15):

Mercury, orange, gold and brown

Atum’s children symbolize wisdom and deep understanding. They also have the power of the five elements. They love music and dancing.

Fully committed with dedication they always give their best. They tend to be young spirits and do not follow conventions and can be rebellious against all that means the enslavement of their spirit.

They are influential people but in a warm and sensitive way. They love meeting different people and cultures because they are very curious and their mind is able to process a lot of information. Always cheerful, they adapt to any situation. They are people who get bored easily unless there is love or admiration.

They love through the mind first, that’s why they need someone to stimulate their imagination and show them new things.

Their mission is to receive and give information, to create teams and new businesses. But they must learn to manage their impatience, anxiety, and nerves, as well as to be more persevering and not be influenced.

Recommended: The Universe gave You this Mission, Based on Your Zodiac Sign.




The children of Isis, the crescent (June 16 – July 15):

Moon, white

They are people sometimes feared and with few friends, but very intelligent. The wisdom and intelligence, harmony, love, and understanding, help them keep enemies at bay. Sometimes they can act with pessimism. They forgive easily because they accept that everyone can be wrong.

They love children and animals. By nature, they are quiet people, but if they are threatened, they know how to fight firmly. They are romantic and know how to win the heart of the person they love.

Their mission is to create warmth in the family, transform any place into a shelter, being a mother and providing values.




Children of Ra, the sun (July 16 – August 15):

Sun, golden

Ra’s children vary in two types: conservatives and charlatans. But as a rule, they tend to be very loyal, kind, determined and organized.

Sometimes they can be a little ruthless and like to argue to show that they are knowledgeable on a topic. Sometimes they are unbearable and lack diplomacy.

They love to be the center of attention, which is why they want to tell their story and their achievements.

As for work, they have great strength and potential and this guarantees their success. They love to have a big family and love and feel they deserve the best. They tend to take leadership positions and have great creativity. They need intelligent people by their side.

Their mission is to teach others to love and fight, but they must control vanity and the tendency to exaggerate or dramatize.




Children of Horus, the hawk (August 16 – September 15):

Mercury, brown

They are the symbol of obedience and respect, they refer to monks or hermits. Horus’ children are sincere and of great strength, unconditional and direct, which is why they may seem harsh.

They love pleasure and fun, but without excess, they don’t like conflict and try to escape any controversial situation. They are pacifists by nature and prefer to go unnoticed.

They are willing to help those in need, even assuming they are going against their own interests. They are excellent workers and are not afraid of hard work, they have many administrative qualities, they can be dissolute, but also generous to those in need.

In love, they love intensely and show their emotions, they dedicate themselves completely to their family and partner, even at the cost of leaving their ambitions aside.

Their mission is to heal and help others, both as regards health and monetary issues, but they must learn to overcome fears and insecurities and to rely more on themselves.




Children of Maat, the just (September 16 – October 15):

Venus, pink

Those born under Maat are considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. They are very skilled, fast and intelligent people. Great motivators, talkers, and improvisers, they can conquer anyone. They have the ability to resolve any conflict that occurs in their lives.

They have excessive self-confidence until they become self-centered, they are very proud. They do not allow themselves to be attacked and defeated easily despite the envy that surrounds them.

They are great innovators and entrepreneurs who don’t let themselves be bent; they always think they can do things better than others. They cannot live alone, they need to have friends and relatives always by their side. In love, they need to have ambitious people who dream of triumph. But they could suffer a lot of disappointment because they tend to idealize their partner.

Their mission is to help bring order and justice to the world through peace, but they must overcome the doubts that arise when they have to make important decisions and, moreover, they must learn to be more explicit in expressing their opinions and not to be silent.




Children of Osiris (October 16 – November 15):

Pluto, black and blue

Osiris’ children are loyal, direct and sincere. In addition, they are very attractive and highly sexually charged. They try in every way to achieve what they want. They always protect and if anyone needs help they are the first to give help. They are rarely angry, despite having, in extreme cases, their moments of anger. They can conceal a lot of tension. They are excellent fighters for a better world.

In love, they can hardly keep their partner away from them, especially because of their sensuality. Intense, ardent and passionate; for them, it is black or white, they do not admit half measures. They give themselves completely by asking for the same in return, but if they are disappointed, they cut all ties.

Their mission is to work for research, they have fixed ideas and are very persevering, which makes them great leaders. They must also protect others and learn to live courageously; they should monitor intolerance, the tendency to revenge and aggression.




Hato’s children (November 15 – December 15):

Jupiter, turquoise

The children of Hathor are unconditional friends, loyal to their family. Very protective and affectionate, but with a strong personality and a little impatience. They have a strong, audacious and capricious character. They tend to rival and their strength leads them to get what they want.

They can be very optimistic and this leads them to take risks always thinking that the goodwill comes out. In love, they need someone to stimulate their curiosity, to give joy and share adventures.

Their mission is to learn and teach, but to grow they must control their impatience and excessive anxiety and act more mature and not procrastinate, act realistically to life.

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Children of Anubis, the jackal (December 16 – January 15):

Saturn, dark blue

Anubis’ children are brave and admired people in their environment; they never fight unless they feel attacked or see the danger. But they find it difficult to achieve prosperity through work.

They are methodical, patient and even characterized by a routine attitude. They have great prejudices, they are stubborn, but they also have the ability to listen. They may have a modest appearance, but when speaking they are eloquent and persuasive.

In love, they are usually unromantic and somewhat naive, so their partner needs to evaluate their demonstrations. They need time to fall in love and to show what they feel, but they deeply love and accept their partner as she/he. They need a responsible, authoritative and admiring partner, or they lose interest.

Their mission is to bring order, organization, to teach respect for norms and traditions, and to work with dedication. They are practical and thrifty, but they must learn to relax, to live life with greater flexibility, as well as to be less pessimistic and to overcome mistrust in showing their feelings.



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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mart

    Uhm I just saw this and it tell me I am Bastet. Then I look online for calculator amd it tell me I am geb. Are you sure a out this info?

    1. Spirit

      With which one do you feel more connected?

  2. Shamika

    Anybody feel like Children of Apep read just like a good old Aries zodiac?

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