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What Each Finger On Your Hands Tells About Your Energy

Everything in this Universe is created by both masculine and feminine energy. These 2 energies flow through all that exists. These energies are sort of opposed to each other. The dual nature of the Universe is there because of these energies.

Day and night, light and dark, expansion and contraction, hot and cold, thought and emotion, order, and chaos, yin, and yang, these are all projections of this primordial duality. Even we are dual in nature. No matter your gender, we all have masculine and feminine energy within us, the ratio is just different.

Let’s say your mental aspect is primarily driven by masculine energy and your emotional aspect is primarily driven by feminine energy. These two energies are aspects of your soul. And you need both to be a human.



The differences between these two energies:

You can differ these 2 energies as follows:

Masculine energy is like a straight line. It moves outward, it gives and secures. Feminine energy is like a circle. It moves inward, it receives and nourishes. When the two dance together, they are like a spiral. They go upward, they grow and prosper.

Each side of your body is considered an aspect of this duality. The left side of your body is more feminine while the right side of your body is energetically more masculine.

This energetic duality has been transferred to many different areas of our lives, biologically, socially, culturally, and psychologically. And that’s something that projected onto all of this naturally, most of us didn’t even have a clue of these 2 energy archetypes while evolving as a species.



The two energies of our bodies:

With your brain is in reverse, just like the right eye is connected to the left side of your brain and your left eye to the right side of your brain. The left side of your brain is seen as more masculine and analytical while the right side is seen as more feminine and artistic. Although some say this myth has been debunked, the core of this myth has not and remains true.

It is true that the left hemisphere of your brain is more involved in language and logical reasoning, while the right hemisphere of your brain is more involved in emotional processing. At the heart of this myth, the part that is true is in accordance with the roles that these 2 archetypes play.

Your hands embody these energies in the same way. Your left hand is more feminine while your right hand is more masculine in energy. Each finger on your hands represents a powerful pillar for an emotional state. And the same finger, on the other hand, reflects that emotional quality, but through the opposite energy.

So, for example, if the index finger of your left hand is associated with confidence, the index finger of your right hand is associated with leadership. This means that your left-hand deals with your inner world and the roots of your emotional state, while your right-hand deals with how you project these emotional gifts to the outer world.



What emotional state each finger represents:

What Your Fingers Say About Your Energy (2)Your left hand represents your emotional balance while your right hand represents your intellectual balance.



The little finger:

The little finger on your left hand is associated with spirituality. It represents your spiritual evolution and the energy flowing through your mind.

The little finger of your right hand is associated with power. It represents the personal and influential power you have over others and the world.

But you need these two energies to exercise real personal and external power. If you are not sufficiently evolved spiritually, you cannot exercise much power because you do not have the inner strength to exercise it. If you can, then this power is created artificially by the systems of the society and your position within.

If you do not exercise your personal power in a healthy way you will not have an impact on others or the world no matter how well you grow spiritually. You must be spiritually powerful in order to be able to project greater power outside and control to do good.

Recommended: 5 Hidden Signs in Your Hand that Indicate You may Have a Special Gift.



The ring finger:

The ring finger of your left hand is associated with inspiration. It represents your state of inspiration and the inner spark that awakens your fires.

The ring finger of your right hand is associated with creativity. It represents your creative potential and the ability to use your fires by connecting different ideas and bringing them to life.

But you need these two energies to be a creator and to invent something unique. If you don’t have inspiration, you won’t be able to really create something new, no matter how creative you are. If you create, it will be forced and emotionless, almost robotic.

If you don’t let your creative energy flow freely, you won’t be able to direct your inspiration and create novelty or invent something that the world can evolve with, no matter how much inspiration you have. You have to be creatively inspired to be able to truly invent and create something unique and special.



The middle finger:

The middle finger of your left hand is associated with concentration. It represents your ability to concentrate and the level of concentration.

The middle finger of your right hand is associated with focus. It represents the strength of your goal with which you direct your focus.

But you need these two energies to establish solid attention on your activities. If you don’t have the ability to focus, you are unable to hold your energy any longer towards one particular thing and fully utilize it, no matter how focused you are.

If you can manage to operate on something with a lack of focus, you are not really paying attention and will function mechanically. The difference is, you won’t be able to deal with new, unexpected factors if they arise.

If you don’t have the ability to focus, you are unable to direct your energy, no matter how focused. You need to be able to both foci and concentrate in order to give quality attention that deals with the real nature of something.



The index finger:

The index finger of your left hand is associated with confidence. It represents your self-confidence and your self-trust that comes from you.

The index finger of your right hand is associated with leadership. It represents your ability to get others to trust and follow you.

But you need these two energies to exercise healthy confidence and lead for the mutual benefit of all. If you lack confidence, you will not be able to get others to trust and follow you, regardless of your leadership potential.

If you can get others to follow you, you have either manipulated them or you depend on them. A true leader can follow a goal alone. His confidence is what attracts others to join. He does not need others, although the more people there are, the more everyone benefits.

If you lack leadership potential, you will not be able to use your confidence for the benefit of all. You will not be able to follow your goal because you are not able to guide yourself along the way, let alone create a team that follows. You must be a confident leader in order to follow your soul’s purpose in a healthy way and for the benefit of all.

Recommended: The Power in our Hands: Recharge your Spiritual Energy through your Hands.



The thumb:

The thumb of your left hand is associated with motivation. It represents your ability to muster motivation from within.

The thumb of your right hand is associated with willpower. It represents your ability to create action from your motivation.

But you need those two energies to do the action you need to make to create the change you want to create without feeling exhausted. If you lack motivation, you will not be able to act, no matter how much you have. If you manage to act, you will feel pressured and it will deplete your emotional energy and your willpower will be compensated for this lack of motivation.

If you don’t have the willpower to make the change you want to make, you won’t be able to maintain your discipline and actions, regardless of your motivation. Sooner or later it will seem like too much trouble for nothing because you don’t have the willpower to create the change you want to create.

You need to be motivated and willing to take action and create lasting change in a healthy way, without exhausting one aspect or another. Here’s a more detailed picture of each aspect that each of your fingers on both of your hands represents:




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