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Which Chakra Do You Need to Balance, According to Your Spiritual Archetype

Whatever your gender, you have both masculine and feminine energy within you. It is part of your nature, of who you are. Your masculine side allows you to become action-oriented, competitive, and direct while your feminine side allows you to become intuitive, creative, and receptive.

Having extremely dominant energy over another creates discord. Your role is to balance these energies in you. The masculine and feminine energies are not separate from your chakras, but rather play a role in each of your chakras.

The masculine and energy dominate your odd chakras and the feminine energy dominates the even chakras. If you identify yourself primarily as one of these 7 archetypes, it means that the chakra that the archetype represents is unbalanced. It means you are overusing its energy.

If your energy is flowing freely, you should be able to embody all of the archetypes. If it is blocked, you will lack or over-identify yourself with the chakra that the archetype represents. Meditate with these archetypes whenever you feel that a specific chakra has a need.

Concentrate on what the chakra represents and use the corresponding archetype to harness its power and restore balance in yourself. Discover your most powerful archetype and the chakra that you need to balance:



1. The Strong father:

How can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the provider, the one who carries everyone on your back, you are very serious.

Your first chakra is the masculine energy of the strong father archetype. It’s related to grounding, security, and stability. It’s the energy of the strong father that protects you, reliable energy that keeps you stable and grounded.

You can tap into its power by recalling your past experiences where you act like a strong father who protects your loved ones or yourself from harm and keeps them safe.




2. The Seductress:

How can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the pleasure seeker, the free-spirited child who seeks pleasure, you are not reliable and compulsive.

The second chakra located in your pelvis is feminine energy represented by the archetype of the seductress. It is linked to your sensuality, your sexuality, your pleasure, and your ease.

You can increase its power by remembering the moment when you feel sensual, beautiful, by being totally in touch with your emotions and your playful side. Embrace the feminine seductress in you and all the pleasant moments you have spent.




3. The Warrior:

How can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the hero, the virtuous warrior who constantly seeks adventure and things to conquer, you are very brave and aggressive.

The warrior is the archetype of your third masculine chakra in the solar plexus. It has to do with power, courage, and aggression. Focus on your solar plexus chakra and dig into your heart and search for the masculine warrior. This will give you the courage to overcome obstacles and push yourself forward. Warrior energy ignites your fire to achieve your goals.

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4. The Loving mother:

Which Chakra Do You Need to Balance, According to Your Most Powerful ArchetypeHow can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the nurturer and protector, the loving mother of all life who cares and loves everything unconditionally, you are very kind.

Your fourth chakra is at the center of your heart and is represented by the feminine energy of the loving mother archetype. It is the energy of the loving mother who is compassionate, gentle, healing, and connected.

Tap into its power by remembering the time when you were full of love, compassion, and the feeling that others are your family.  Because the heart is the home of the loving mother when you are fully in tune with it, you will feel a deep unconditional love for yourself, others, and everything around you.




5. The Great leader:

How can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the leader of your friends, the teacher and the one who controls everyone, you are a perfectionist.

The fifth chakra is the throat which concerns authenticity, self-expression and the purpose of life is represented by the great archetype of the leader. It guides you to act like a leader and make your voice heard.

The energy of the great leader helps you reach your life goal, lead, and take care of others. The great leader archetype helps you use your talent and skills to help others grow and reach their goal.

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6. The Wise intuitive:

How can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the wise advisor, the intuitive mystic who gives the best advice, you are very fantasizing.

Your fifth chakra found in the third eye is represented by the wise intuitive archetype. It is related to intuition, vision, and psychic abilities. As a feminine chakra, it speaks to you as inner knowledge, the seer who knows things beyond logic.

You access its power when you feel your intuition is strong, follow your inner voice, and allow it to guide you exactly where you need to go. The intuitive and wise archetype encourages you to listen and trust your inner knowledge.

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Money Chakra Secrets

Learn chakra balancing techniques so you’ll be able to heal your chakras into perfect alignment and attract wealth and abundance into your life.




7. The Royalty:

How can you know if you are this archetype?

You identify yourself as the one who is superior to everyone around you, the mighty king or queen that everyone should respect, you are overly hurt by criticism.

The seventh chakra above the crown is where all of your parts are unified. This is where all the archetypes come together, unite all their energies, and make you one with the Spirit. In the crown chakra, the masculine and feminine energies become you. By integrating all the energies, you become powerful, vulnerable, and all that you are.

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