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7 Signs that You Have a Maturing Soul

The signs of a person maturing on the spiritual path are not so difficult to spot. Especially for those of you who have awakened, embracing your spiritual awakening lends itself to often dramatic inner changes.

However, that still doesn’t mean other people will notice it. In a world where people are caught up looking at the surfaces, many people will not be able to see beyond the packaging to notice all the inner crap that has been removed from the inside.

This is as always the reason why we do not seek external validation on the spiritual path. Coincidentally, it is the sign of a maturing soul. The maturing soul is less and less in need of external approval as it grows. It doesn’t come from feeling better than anyone. On the contrary, it comes from a deep sense of humility.

At the same time, the maturing soul embraces the space of being nobody. Nobody needs validation. Nobody needs to be someone.

But some of these may not be immediately obvious to those of you earlier in your shifts. You may be wondering what a maturing soul looks/feels like and you don’t understand the maturing process you are in. Today’s article, therefore, offers signs of soul maturation, and most of them only you in the honesty of your heart will know if they are arising:



1. You don’t need approval:

As I already mentioned in the first paragraph, let’s start here. A maturing soul finds itself less and less interested in any type of approval. Just like the orange tree does not grow its oranges to make people happy or feel fed. If happiness and food are the byproducts, that’s fine. Sometimes other people don’t like its oranges. It’s fine too. It just grows what it grows because it comes naturally.

In the early stages of someone’s development, the need for approval and validation on the spiritual path is much stronger. The many ego issues involved in seeking approval have yet to be resolved, and they are still pulling the strings. In this way, many people can find themselves trapped on the spiritual path by trying to gain approval from gurus, ministers, rabbis, imams, and other spiritual teachers rather than listening to their own divine inner consciousness.

Other people are trapped in trying to do “spiritual” things to help others get approval from their clients/students/patients etc. For yet others, self-approval is what is most sought. Ultimately, it is our own approval that we are looking for.  As such, an individual is tied up in not approving themselves and then creating an elaborate game to gain their own approval.

Thus, a person decides that the only way to be happy is to experience a certain type of spiritual high all the time. Now they have to get that feeling or they don’t have their own approval. And with any experience, it comes and goes. So they will be stuck in an envy for a long time. It’s an endless and unhealthy loop, and the maturing soul has learned to give that up.




2. You process issues faster:

Once someone has learned to deal with surface, intermediate-level, and gut-level/hardcore issues, processing things as they go is done much faster. The resistance of the ego that was there before was largely gone. You also know how to handle problems.

Your heart, body, mind, and energy have all learned to learn, to heal, and to grow. So when something happens, you take all the space you need and you are with the change, the revelation or whatever is moving. This speeds up the processing of problems.

Furthermore, when we have a problem that runs through us for the first time at the start of our spiritual journeys, we usually have no room for it. It is like a little water trying to flow through a 1-millimeter wide pipe. If a lot of water moves, the pipe is stressed.

Well, thankfully, this pipe is an illusion in many ways, and it is something that can grow and develop. The maturing soul has a much bigger pipe for energy changes due to its inner work and its own spiritual growth. Let’s say it’s now a meter wide. This means that the same change from the start can come and go with virtually no disruption to you.

It takes a lot more energy and a lot more problems to cause a lot of internal turbulence, but again, you know how to deal with it. Thus, intense basic problems can arise, but the inner capacity to testify and dissolve in problems greatly softens the intensity and shortens the integration time. And of course, the maturing soul understands that most of this is not a “doing”. It’s an allowing of issues to process.




3. Equanimity replaces ego’s drams:

7 Signs that You Have a Maturing Soul 3Equanimity, this feeling of inner balance on the mental, emotional, physical, and psychic levels become an ever more dominant aspect of a maturing soul. After awakening, a lot of false equanimities, the external ego that could appear to control everything, is washed away.

The treatment of emotions, energy, and problems is intense as many of you know. During the initial transitions, the drama of the ego can reach a new feverish tone. For those who are not aware, they never go beyond this initial part of healing.

They cling to the ego for dear life until the floodwaters of a spiritual awakening diminish. For those of you who haven’t, you can probably both understand why a person reacts this way and understand what a missed opportunity it is.

But for those who are sincere, the problems and beliefs of the ego are exposed, treated, and released. This tends to lead to deeper treatment, but peace and equanimity begin to be revealed the deeper you go.

For some people, it is earlier, and for others, it is later. The types of problems that people face vary. For those who have a lot of pain to sift through, such as trauma or abuse, this peace may not come for some time.

But there it is. Peace and inner equanimity have always been there. For the maturing soul, this is where they increasingly reside. In turn, this makes you much less responsive to everything going on in the world. The drama of everyday life has little interest and no reason for reactive response to the maturing soul.

Recommended: 9 Ways to Tell if You’re Becoming a Wise and Mature Soul



4. Your sense of love is deep and long-lasting:

The maturing soul does not love in the sense of romantic love which is warm and passionate and fervent. This kind of love is accessible to the maturing soul, but the same goes for all other types of love. The most important thing for a maturing soul is love which embraces everything as it is.

This is true love. As a person continues to mature, it is the love that they live more and more in all situations. I don’t mean that people go there immediately and stay there. We are all very, very human, and at the same time, I don’t want you to think you can’t.

This love is always there, just like this space of peace and equanimity. Rather, I point out the very human process of expansion and growth. Just like a tree growing in the woods, we seem to expand our hearts over time, filling more and more of our lives.

This deep and enduring love changes the way the mature soul reacts to relationships. Because the maturing soul does not need love, it does not enter into relationships to feel any kind of feeling. They will do it because they feel guided to do it or because it gives them some support.

While others who are not as mature are busy trying to find a perfect soul mate, the maturing soul is more and more at peace with the one in his life and focuses on the experience of love  in the present moment in whatever form that is here and now.




5. You are drawn towards nourishment:

7 Signs that You Have a Maturing Soul 2Because a lot of the world’s entertainment, activities, jobs, and relationships are very unhealthy, the maturing soul loses interest in many of these things. Many of you who are going through stages of apathy is not really as apathetic as you think.

You just notice what’s unhealthy and lose interest. It is not apathy. It’s common sense. You wouldn’t drink raw sewage water, would you? And that’s what sugar, alcohol, night parties with drugs, etc. are like human energy.

Of course, a maturing soul can engage in these and other activities from time to time because it can do whatever it wants. But everything that is not really nourishing naturally becomes less and less interesting.

Instead, what nourishes a maturing soul becomes the primary focus. It’s just common sense (as I’ve said before and I’ll probably say it again). A maturing soul is drawn to nourishing relationships, places, work, and other things.

The deepest nourishment, however, is always inside, and this inner nourishment only makes it easier to see what is nourishment from the outside world. Where before we were too cut off from ourselves and numb to make these distinctions, being nourished by our own love and this divine connection that is always there makes all these distinctions so much clearer.

In this way, life is simplified for the maturing soul. Such a person looks at the opportunities and somehow asks, “Does this nourish me or not?” This does not mean that a maturing soul will not do difficult things; this person has already learned how discomfort and challenge can also nourish their soul. But many difficulties and challenges are not necessary, and the maturing soul will go where support and nourishment are most natural.




6. You can easily let go:

The ease of letting go. Nothing is ever lost. The maturing soul understands this. So if a job is gone, it is gone. If a partnership is over, they let them go. This does not mean that they do not care. On the contrary, a maturing soul loves through letting go. Dragging something that is over is painful. And the maturing soul has no interest in perpetuating the suffering of any kind.

In addition, the maturing soul understands that when one thing leaves, space is made for another. The maturing soul is also at peace with remaining in this spaciousness without trying to fill it; patience is another characteristic of the maturing soul.

Sometimes life offers something to replace what’s left. Sometimes not. The maturing soul is not concerned anyway. Only the ego cares about losing things, and the more mature the soul, the more at peace they are even when loved ones pass. They know that the soul is never separated from the divine, it only changes form.

Recommended: The 5 Ages of the Soul – How Old is Your Soul?



7. You appreciate the human process:

My last point and the reason why I used the term “maturing soul” today is to appreciate the human process. I’ve heard a lot of people spiritually bypassing things, which is impossible. We cannot bypass the human being. Many traditions seem to ignore that we are all going through phases, changes, and growth. By embracing the ultimate truth and divine love, it promotes our growth and pushes us to face problems. We do not get away from ourselves.

Maturing souls understand this. They are not looking for the “ultimate” perfection of themselves. They understand that perfection is always there and now. It is not an idea, and it can never be achieved as a form of doing.

Being is the ultimate realization, and with that space of being, the maturing soul naturally sheds layers of illusion and ego as they so choose and their path so determines. In this way, the maturing soul is at peace with however realized or unrealized they are, having the humility to dig deeper if they feel called and the self-love to accept themselves as they are.


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