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The 8 Different Types of Karma – Which Type of Karma do You Have?

When we think of karma, hard times or relationship problems that we face in life almost always come to mind. But karma has a much broader meaning and is expressed in different ways. Yes, there are different types of karma.

“The first step towards a cure is to know what the disease is”
~ Latin proverb

What’s your karma? Read on to recognize and identify it.



1. Individual karma:

This is the easiest type of karma to understand, as we experience it more intensely. Individual karma is that karma resulting from the choices we make and the actions we take, which will certainly have an effect on our journey.

In individual karma, the cause of karma is the person himself, which means it is the individual who attracts situations that are the results of his own actions. Individual karma is totally related to intimate life, to our character and emotions, and, mainly, to the way we relate to each other and express our personality and affectivity.

Individual karma is almost always built in the current incarnation, such as, for example, smoking and getting cancer as a result of this bad habit. This was not in the karmic programming, although the person can bring that inclination from other lives. Then, through free will, the person chooses to remain with this terribly harmful habit, and may even shorten his life as a result of the health consequences that smoking causes.



2. Family karma:

Family karma is also very easy to identify. They are those families full of conflicts and emotional wars, where, despite the bonds built through love, peace and harmony are unable to reign. The people who are beside us in our family are part of a spiritual choice related to the learning and rescue that a spirit has as a mission in an incarnation.

The more conflicts, the more healing, and evolution. Family is our most intense healing nucleus. However, there is family karma, which is the transmission of patterns from generation to generation, giving family karma a more collective character.

This is often dealt with in family constellations, where it is observed that a certain pattern of behavior or emotion will be repeated in a family until it is seen, accepted, and cured. For example, “all the men in the family are greedy” or “all the women in the family die early”.

This type of karma carries a load of beliefs, emotions, and behaviors that are passed on from parents to children and only ends when someone breaks the bond with that load and, instead of absorbing it, allows it to be released.

Read Also: How to Release and Heal Your Family Karma



3. Business karma:

Business karma has to do with the sum of the founders’ behaviors, which will lead the enterprise along certain paths. The relationship between the partners of a company, for example, can either sink the business or lift it up.

It is this sum, this result between the merging of partners’ worldviews that will generate business karma. As an example, we can cite the following situation: two partners who are very afraid to take risks and invest, create by themselves the barriers that prevent the expansion of the company.



4. Relationship karma:

Relationship karma may even be related to past lives, but in that case, this repetition of patterns is considered much more like karma from other lives than relationship karma.

Here, we have the idea that the relationship karma is generated by the assimilation of beliefs (almost always negative) about relationships, introjected from not very positive experiences. And these experiences can be individual, that is, the person’s own experiences or the very close observation of conflicts lived by relatives.

For example, a child who grows up in a home where she sees her father betray his mother his whole life and assimilates, through the father’s behavior and the mother’s suffering, that love and marriage hurt and that all men betray.

This person will unconsciously attract partners to confirm this pattern, being herself a victim of the constant betrayal of her partner. Relationship karma is also quite noticeable in abusive relationships. The daughter is abused by her mother for a long time and ends up assimilating this relationship dynamic and will, even without consciously wanting it, get involved with men who have the same behavior.

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5. Disease karma:

In this case, disease-related karma is related to heredity and health problems brought on by DNA, such as Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. This type of disease is almost always unrelated to lifestyle and the person has little or no control over it.

Disease karma can also be understood as the physical manifestation of certain mental patterns, which cause the body to become ill, thus leaving the field of inheritance and entering the individual sphere. For example, an extremely rigid and inflexible person who ends up creating rheumatoid arthritis in the physical body.

Recommended Book for You:

Karma Crash Course

Karma Crash Course

Simple Techniques for Maintaining Good Karma and Living a Happy Life.




6. Past life karma:

Past life karma is what we face the most difficulty in our current incarnation. They are heavy redemptions of past mistakes, which normally limit our freedom in life or that generate a lot of suffering. It is always good to say that karma is never a punishment or an imposition, but a way that the spirit finds to evolve through the atonement of its errors.

For example, a mother who abandoned her child in her previous life may receive the same treatment from her mother in the current incarnation. It is also possible for individual karma, for example, to become karma of a past life in the next incarnation.

Let’s take the example of a person with cigarette addiction, who unfortunately dies due to lung cancer. It may be that this choice has an impact on the next life, making this spirit incarnate again as a child with respiratory problems, such as asthma, for example.



7. Collective karma:

Collective karma is that karma related to a particular social group or nation, resulting from the sum of individual behaviors. When we think in terms of social groups, we can think that a great example of this type of karma is the great plane disasters or natural catastrophes, where a large group of lives is taken in a matter of seconds.

Those people who all lose their lives in this way had some connection with each other and it is not a coincidence that they are at the same time and place when a catastrophic event happens. Nations also have collective karma, such as for example, Brazil with its colony history and slavery tradition.

Much of what they experience today, including urban violence, corruption, and religious and racial intolerance, has its roots in the country’s history and is the result of the choices that the Brazilian people have been making over the centuries. Unfortunately, it seems that they have learned nothing from history and live an eternal cycle where they make the same mistakes and hope for different results.



8. Planetary karma:

Planetary karma is the least known and studied karma by the spiritual world, although it is extremely important for us to understand the nature of the world around us. And it concerns exactly this, that is, why this world is the way it is and what makes it a planet of atonement.

To understand this concept, it is enough to think that the consciences that embody here have a very low evolutionary pattern, although they have enormous differences between them. You see, on the same planet on which some saints walked, other dreadful figures also reigned only to spill blood and generate much suffering.

But, in general, what makes the world an essentially bad place is the average karma of those who live here. Planetary karma is the direction that life on the planet takes, according to the decisions of the leaders who govern the world.

Individual micro-karma is responsible for the intellectuality and the worldview that each builds, which, in turn, is expressed in the political positions that lead this or that to leadership positions, which, therefore, have the power to make decisions that can both cause a World War III to break out and can calm the spirits and generate a more peaceful and fraternal coexistence between nations.

Another example is the lifestyle that we all choose to sustain, which can either deplete the planet’s natural resources and cause the extinction of life on Earth, or can cause our habits to change the destructive way in which we relate to the environment.

Recommended Book to Read:

Past Life Regression And Reincarnation

Past Life Regression And ReincarnationEverything You Need to Know About Reincarnations and Past Lives.



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